So I have had bad pain in my breasts for a while now and I went to have it checked out a few weeks ago - the dr ordered a mammogram as a precaution. He said that while when I do my self exam and he does one it's only looking at things macroscopically (sp?) that to make both of us feel better that the mammogram will look at everything microscopically. I have a history of BC in my family so I would have started going for these next year (as I will be a depressing 35 at that point, ha ha), so one year early is not a big deal.
But I'm not excited about having my boobs squished when they are already hurting!!!! Not like they are the Dolly Parton type anyways so it's not going to be fun.
Please keep me your prayers. I just want to know what's going on one way or the other. I will go back to the dr on 1/6 to find out the results.
Re: prayers needed today
I am sorry that you are having to go through this. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks everyone.
B and I just want to know what's going on - either way. We are ok w/either way and know that it's in God's hands.
I'll keep you all posted and appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts.
Much love to yall and Merry Christmas!!!!
oh wow! I hope things are ok. I *think* I read that cancer is not painful at all and usually if you have pain, it's more likely a benign cyst or something. I get weird cysts in my armpit/breast area that coincide with my hormone cycles and they hurt. I've gone to the dr about it and it's nothing.
Ditto to everyone's good thoughts and wishes! You will be in my prayers - please keep us posted!