Did you have a gift that made you say "WTF?!?!" LOL. This year was the year of WTF gifts for my family, LOL.
Ok so, a while back my dad asked if my DH (as well as my sister's FI) would want a shotgun. DH is originally from New York and is SO not into any of the typical southern boy things like guns, college football, etc etc. I told my dad "uh, I guess he wouldn't mind having one." His parents never had guns in the house so the whole idea is foreign to him, lol. I told him that my dad wanted to get him one and he was fine with it, so yeah.
So Christmas Eve rolls around, and we go to my dad's to have dinner and open gifts. The boys know what they're getting, but my sister and I had no idea. So yeah, the presents are passed out, and I start opening mine first. I noticed the box was really heavy. When I opened it, there was a case inside that I thought was like, a toolbox or something... oh no... it wasn't. My dad bought both my sister and I a freaking 9mm pistol!!! WTF!! I was so pissed off about it, but of course I couldn't act like it. I believe everyone has a right to own a gun or whatever, but um, I'd like to have some say in whether or not someone buys ME a handgun. I'd like to make that decision myself, thanks. There were two wrapped boxes inside the big box, and I thought ok, at least I get a little something normal. Oh no, those were the bullets... LOL. I really had no words... and I still don't. I mean, if he wanted to get the boys shotguns, fine, but don't surprise me with a handgun! Everyone else in the entire family thought it was the worst idea ever... LOL. When we went to my mom's and told her that we both got handguns from my dad she nearly sh*t a brick. She couldn't sleep that night because it bothered her so much! I mean, why didn't he just get the boys the pistols, forget the shotguns and get us girls a Hobby Lobby gift card? LOL.
Sorry, that was way long, LOL. Yeah.
Also, my sister got a portable air compressor from her future FIL. WTF!!! LOL!! Every girl's dream gift, right?
On a positive note, I got some sweet gifts from other folks, so that almost makes me forget the handgun. Almost.
Anyone else get any gems this year? LOL
Re: Inspired by a post on another board...
FIL bought me a lava lamp!!! WTF!?!?! And it wouldn't be so bad if he hadn't gotten me a floor / lava lamp last year. (The lava lamp is built into the lamp stand...it could be the most hideous thing I've ever seen.)
It wouldn't bother me so much if I had anything lava lamp like in my house...my problem is that the gift is so very thoughtless. I would MUCH rather not get a gift, as get a gift that is so thoughtless that it is almost hurtful!
That is hilarious! Some people have no clue, do they? lol
Um wow! There really aren't any words
I didn't get any weird gifts this year, although I have in the past.
My MIL bought my DH, my BIL, and my BIL's girlfriend driving gloves. Yes it's a nice gift but not really something that is useful to these particular people. She told me that my DH had told her I had some (he lied because he knew I wouldn't use them, and he had no idea she was getting them for him or he would have said that he had them as well) and I was secretely thinking thank you DH
You would think they had no clue, but my SIL got a really nice velour hoodie...I wear hoodies all the time. Why oh why would they think I didn't want one too??
Crazy! What would make someone say "hmm, I think she'd much rather have a lava lamp." LOL
Do you think he might like another?? J/K
The only reason it bothers me is because there is nothing retro about me, so it seems unusual that that is all he could think to get me two years in a row.
Oh well.
Tis true. If you would have asked me about 15 years ago, I would have thought it was an awesome gift. I wanted a lava lamp forever when I was a kid, and I think I got one for Christmas when I was 12 or 13. It was slammin'.
That is a very odd gift!!! So random! What are you going to do with it?
I didn't get anything too weird this year... However, my mom's sole gift from one of her step daughters was a box of antibacterial soaps. She's 20. She knows better.
Yeah, I agree it's lame for the guy to give you this sort of thing...again, you really have to know someone to give them something out of the ordinary...and yes, David would probably love your lamp. LOL
Was it at least "decorative" antibacterial soap???
Oh no. it was the stuff you sit in your kitchen and bathroom for when you wash your hands. At least it smells good =P