It's so hard for me to post this because it's so horrible, but I am because the more people who pray for this family the better. My mom, who lives/works in Huntsville, shared this with me. The daughter of one of her coworkers died this morning. I cannot begin to think of what these parents and the rest of the family are going through, but I do know they need prayers. If you pray, please pray for them. If you don't, please keep them in your thoughts.
This is the email sent from another coworker of hers:
"I have a prayer request for a co-worker of mine along with his family.
He is only a few offices from mine and is in my group at work. His name
is Paul Stover and his wife's name is Gina.
This morning his middle daughter Whitney, who was 16, was involved in a
fatal car accident at Dan Tibbs Road and Research park drive. She
initially survived the accident and called her parents. She was pinned
in the car and could not get out. About the time her parents arrived,
the engine caught fire and while the parents watched, their daughter was
engulfed in flames and was burned to death. It is about as horrific a
scenario as anyone could ever imagine. I passed the accident scene on
the way to work, not knowing who was involved and it was unbelievable.
It appears a flat bed cargo truck ran a stop sign trying to get across
research park drive.
Their family are very strong Christians and Whitney was saved. This
family and others will need many prayers to avoid Satans attempt shake
peoples faith with such a tragic situation."
Re: Urgent Prayer Request
This is so terrible! I will definitely be praying for them!
I'll definitely be praying and thinking of this family. What a terrible thing to go through. I can't imagine!! May God be with this family during this terrible tragedy.
I too will pray for this family, that intersection is awful!!!
I could not even begin to imagine something so tragic. Many prayers to the whole family!
wow. I just read this, but will definitely say a prayer for that family. that poor girl. that breaks my heart ?