I am a bad gardener.
We have frost warning tonight.
I heard it, and did not get the blankets out to try and save my tomato plants like I did last year, even though I was sick (later diagnosed H1N1).
The H snagged the peppers, the ripe tomatoes, and that was it.
I'm so tired that I don't even care if I have 10 frozen tomato plants in the morning. They are a huge mess -- busted the "fences" we made for them, knocked down repeated stakes -- yet still produced bunches of cherries, Better Boys, Goldens, etc, so I didn't stress too much.
I figure it's survival of the fittest tonight in my back yard. I wish them well, and return to my screaming baby.
Re: Gardening Confession
If you're a bad gardener, I must be the worst.
I got sick of my out-of-control tomato plants a couple of weeks ago and took them all down. I haven't watered my peppers in days--I'm up to my armpits in anchos and jalepenos and I'm hoping they'll just die.
My garden is a coddle-free zone.
I'm sometimes glad I don't live in a place with a year-round growing season. I need the winter to recharge!
*joins the bad gardener bunch*
I have weeds taking over the edges of my garden beds (ornamental beds). This summer has been 10 degrees hotter than hell, so other than turn on the sprinklers, my beds have been woefully neglected. I've asked my dad to help me this weekend by weeding and putting down mulch. My pregnant, tired butt just can't do it.
Oh, and my strawberry fountains look a hot mess. I have runners that have set root in my back garden bed and I don't even care. I'm going to let them stay there and dig them up in the spring and start a raised bed just for them. Right now, I just don't have the energy to do it.
I've given up on the hydrangeas in my planters. The summer fried them and my patio gets way too much sun. The only hydrangea doing well is the one that sits in a corner. It gets just enough morning sun and plenty of afternoon shade, so it's happy.
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