Phoenix Nesties
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How much money do you have in savings??
Our investment guys was over a few weeks ago, and told us before we do anything else we need to have ATLEAST 10,000 cash in savings (not including other investements, just savings). And that was a big atleast. We have about 5,000 in there now, but we are going to start being more aggressive with putting money in to try and get to atleast 10k.
It got me thinking...does everyone really have that much in savings? Also, how important to you is it to have a good chunk of money in savings?
My Blog
DD #1 {04-19-2004}
Secondary IF: Severe MFI (low testosterone, low count, low morph, & very low motility) & Annovulation
After 22 months IUI # 3 Clomid + Follistim = BFP
DD #2 {12-31-2009}
2 more years of failed IF treatments and a failed adoption TTC #3
TTC Journey Over~ Not By Choice
Re: Savings
We currently have about 7k in savings. We could put in more each month but I don't like our checking to get low, so we keep a good amount in checking that we never spend in addition to savings. I just like it being there and readily available in case we were to need it right away.
We are going to try to save more in the coming months but we also have a lot of expenses coming up with things needed to be done on the house, and now that we're expecting.
I hate money. lol.
We currently have about $1500... We had more but we knew we would have to use some of it for the wedding, last minutes expenses and tips and what not. We are currently creating a new budget since we have a few student loans that we are now trying to take care of. As a part of the new budget we do have about $1000 a month we will be moving into savings. We are doing that now and for us we have opposite pay schedules where we just put $250 a week into savings and we don't even think about it. Which is nice because it is a - one less thing I have to remember to do and b - we can't spend that money before it is transferred.
Once we get the student loans paid off we will be opening a separate account and have a certain percentage automatically transferred fro retirement savings 
Since we are a ways away from TTC at least 9 months we figure by the time the baby comes we should have about $16k and that is if we get pg right away...
Just in our regular money market we have about 35K. This includes our 9 month emergency fund, baby fun, new car fund and general savings though.
For us this is very important to have, as DHs stipend could change every semester, and his car is getting pretty rickety. A lot of families wouldn't foresee wanting that much, but for us it makes sense. This is probably the max we'll ever keep in savings though, until our expenses increase thus increasing the emergency fund pool.
Not nearly enough... Right now we have probably 3k in savings, but that's basically our wedding budget as we go along here, so probably will be down to nothing in savings (and maybe a little bit more debt, unfortunately) by the time the wedding is over.
A couple fairly large monthly payments drop off right around then too though, so we should be able to build our savings up fairly quickly after everything calms down.
my read shelf: