Phoenix Nesties
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Happy Friday! What are your weekend plans?
Happy Friday ladies! What's everyone up to this weekend? 
Re: Happy Friday! What are your weekend plans?
I'm lucky, I get a 4 day weekend this weekend. I'm looking forward to spending time with DH and DS and enjoying this warm weather!
Today- Nothing too exciting. Cleaning, going to Hobby Lobby to get some stuff for spring crafts.
Tomorrow- Spending the day with DS while DH works, then tomorrow night, DS is going to a sleepover at my moms and DH and I are going to dinner with another couple.
Sunday- Sleeping in
, then going to the Ostrich Festival with DH and DS.
Monday- Crafting!
Today ? I am planning on going home and attempting to start some organizing but somehow I feel like a nap will win the battle of things to do today
Tomorrow ? I want to go to Dillards because they are having their free gift time for Clinique and I want to try some of their makeup. Then I have my little cousin?s birthday party out in Tempe. CJ is working so I will be on my own most of the day.
Sunday ? Probably just relax and get ready for another week, grocery shop, do laundry, hang out with CJ.
~ MrsNolan I am way envious of your craft day on Monday, I need to schedule one of those for myself soon.
DH starts spring break so...tomorrow he'll be going hiking and L and I will be going to our annual Home birth Picnic
Other than that we'll be laying low, but we will be doing some fun stuff next week!
Tonight is cleaning...our house is a mess.
Tomorrow I am going to a bridal shower then taking my grandma out for her birthday.
Sunday I think we'll clean some more and go to the Ostrich Festival. Never been, so should be fun.
The big plan is to paint the nursery! Although, I get to be strictly supervisory (aka take care of the cats) so I have the easy job.
I do plan to meet up with some friends for lunch tomorrow that I haven't seen in over a year, and go to my cousin's son's soccer/baseball/football (I have no idea what sport he's in) game in the morning.
If I'm feeling particularly energetic, I'll be making the nursery curtains and baking bread.
Ugh, I have to work all weekend.
Today I'm off, so I'm getting caught up on cleaning, dishes & laundry from just having 2 wks worth of company here!
I'm so happy it's Friday! Woo hoo!
Tonight, is date night with the hubs. He has his free birthday dinner from The Keg, so I think we'll take advantage of that. We also want to see The Adjustment Bureau. Anyone seen that?
Tomorrow, we're going to a 4 year old's birthday party, and then possibly to the Ostrich Festival. We've never gone before, but I thought it'd be something fun to do.
Sunday, probably not too much. Just the fun domestic stuff - laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc.
I saw the Adjustment Bureau. It was pretty good, and Matt Damon is hot!
Relaxing this morning. Watching DH do yardwork
Dinner adn drinks with friends tonight (no drinks for me)
Going biking tomorrow.