My aunt has 2 children, both boys, but she desperately wanted girls both times. She and another aunt of mine were so jealous of my sister (who has 2 girls and a boy), when she found out she was having a girl. She has even commented in the past few weeks that she would have rather had 2 girls. Well, my sister was talking one day at my grandmother?s and mentioned she thought I was having a girl. That led to her snippy remarks asking how I could tell already and blah blah blah.
So I saw her this past weekend, the first words out of her mouth were (snippy once again might I add), ?well, you?re having a boy?. Like it was a disease or something! I smiled and said, why do you think that? She told me it was because I was getting wider, not growing out from the belly!!!! Ugh, I have not gained one.single.pound. Granted, my pants are getting more snug, but it?s not like I?m the size of a barn or anything!
She just can?t stand the thought of me having a girl, and I just can?t understand that. Come on!! You have 2 healthy boys, just be thankful for that!! My brother in law wants me to have a girl so bad he can?t stand it, just to irritate her. When I first found out, I had a boy feeling?.then a couple weeks later I kinda thought girl? I just don?t know, lol. It doesn?t matter to us, though, a healthy baby will be fine!!
Re: Irritated at my aunt! (long, sorry!)
You will get those types of comments not only from family members, but also complete strangers. I had 3 strangers argue w/ me that I was having a boy (the week that I was due) b/c of the way that I was carrying and told me that ultrasounds can be you just have to let those types of things roll off of your back--family members or not.
Babies make the best and worst come out in people.
Yeah, giver her the business and blame it on the hormones! Sounds like she could use a hit of the truth.
Good idea! I might skip the words and go straight to the punch in the face
I totally agree, maybe a punch in the face or a kick in the A$$ is the way to deal with people like that.
Like Brooke said, babies bring out the worst and best in people.
I forgot to mention the comments she made when she found out...she said, I didn't even know they were trying....I would want at least a year to enjoy my life....all in her smart aleck voice! Jarrett said, did anybody tell her it will be a year before they are born?? Lol, we just don't understand the ones that say your life is over when you have children. Life as we know it now will change, but that's part of it! If you don't want that change, then you know how to prevent it!
Also, I was 5 weeks when we found out, 7 weeks when I told the fam. She said, well how did she not know she was pg?? She would have had to skip 2 periods by now. What??? 5 weeks=1 skipped 8 weeks=2 skipped...simple math people, simple math!
Jealousy rears it's ugly head. I'm sorry she is being such a B. Sounds like she needs to be knocked down a few notches. I really really hope her sons don't realize what she says about them. Boy or girl all that matters is that the baby is healthy. There are plenty of people who wouldn't be so darned picky like her...they just want a baby.
Yeah when those hormones kick in overdrive just give her a swift kick in the rear!