So DH is out of town until Thursday for a training session in California. He has to share a room with someone in his company on these trips and usually always gets a crappy roommate. He called me today and told me this story:
Dh goes to dinner with his group and gets back to the hotel about 11:00 PT. He calls me and Sadie and then goes off to bed. At 12:45 PT his roommate finally comes in Drunk. Now this is a work related training not just come and have a good time! And he wakes up DH who is irrated b/c it is super late with the time difference for him. the guy throws things around the room and finally passes out on his bed. Dh goes back to sleep. An hour later the guys wakes up. he turns on all of the lights, throws open the door to the hallway, slams it shut, finally finds the bathroom with the bathroom door open he pees everywhere (completely missing the toliet) doesn't bother to flush and then throws things around again and then passes out for a second time. DH gets up, packs his things loudly and leaves. He goes to the front desk where he makes the poor girl wake up the person in charge at his company and forces them to get him another room. B/c his company is so big the hotel was booked so he ended up in a conference room on a pull out sofa! needless to say i'm glad i am not dealing with my grouchy hubby tonight but i do hope he gets a real bed without a jerk roommate.
Re: OOT Hubby Story, sorry long