I posted awhile ago about having a meeting with my boss about post baby plans.
I again went against the grain of most opinions here and discussed movement up and a step up in my career eventually. I did this as I wanted to be truthful and I wanted it to be fair to them too.
He told me I would be stupid not to move up if an opportunity arose and he totally understands etc.
He asked me if I don't find a job and I"m done with maternity leave what I was thinking. I said there was no way to come back to evening shift full time (my current). I would just have to do part time and fill in hours until I found a day shift spot.
Well, they called today and and offered me a day shift full time spot with the understanding that I may not come back or maybe leave soon after and understand the career advancement. Hours would be 630am-5pm, 4 days a week.
SOOO relieved!
Re: F/u to speaking with my boss about post baby plans..