New Jersey Nesties
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If you're not a member of Ebates, but plan on it eventually..
Re: If you're not a member of Ebates, but plan on it eventually..
When you shop online (and they have most stores) all you do is sign onto your ebates account, then click on the store that your shopping at - usually children's place or carters for me, and then shop as if you were shopping online normally....that's it. and then there are percentages attached to eat store. Children's place is like 2-4 percent - so if you spend 150.00 in children's place, you get 3.00 in your account. once your account reaches a level where you'll want a check (mine was just 50.00 bucks so I asked for a check) they will mail you the "big fat check" as they call it.
Honestly, you do NOTHING more, other than sign into ebates before you shop....
Other stores are Kmart, Target, apple, and tons and tons more...seriously most stores that you would shop online at are connected to ebates, and even if youd ont' shop online a lot, the amounts will just build up and then when you're ready to get your check, tehy'll send it...
does that make sense?
I signed up because everyone talks about it. And it looks like I get a $10 gift card (I chose Target) if I spend $25. Is that right?
But like Lisa I'd be interested in an better explanation. lol.
tell me if the above explanation makes sense, of if you have questions. It honestly doesn't take work on your end, other than your regular online shopping....and I always wait till the stores have free or really low shipping (because I HATE paying shipping!!!)
Mangia! My Family Table
That makes sense. I pushed "post" before your response showed up.
I signed up and will give it a try.
I rarely go to a store and shop almost exclusively online. There are some great stores on there..Target, ON, Gap, Carters, Wal-Mart, Kohl' I said, a dollar here, two there..adds up! UPS is at my house DAILY! If Amazon ever gets on there, my checks will be much much bigger..LOL!! I also got something like $30 in referrals so that was nice. FYI, Groupon is on there too! I bought several items using Groupon credits I had (no out of pocket $$ on my part) but still got the ebates credit for the purchase! LOL
Thank you!
Zulily is on there, too!! I had no idea I could link it to my paypal account. I have to go check that right now because, I'm ashamed to admit, I've actually lost checks they've sent before they got deposited.
Not a newbie, but, had to create a new account - formerly LBR_NJ
My Blog - "Helping Make Sense"
Ditto all that and damn it i didnt realize Groupon was on there! I just spent $100 on there the other day!!