A Facebook friend posted that even if you don't like McCain you should vote for him just so Obama wouldn't win. Then posted about how he wasn't going to vote because he didn't like politics, WTF?!?
Then my boss and another co-worker are talking about voting for McCain and how Obama voters should have their asses kicked. Another big WTF!?!
I know I voted Democrat in a bright red state, but come on people. Can't we agree to disagree? I don't think Republicans are stupid and uninformed for having different beliefs from me. All I want is the same consideration. I understand that the issues that are important to me may not be important to someone else.
I just need this day to be over. I'm going to put on my Ipod and hope the day goes by fast.
Re: Ugghh Vent about election
I agree I want this day to hurry. I am SO tired of hearing all the junk about both sides. My stance is I vote and I don't talk about it. If you ask me a question about why I voted the way I did I will tell you but I hate discussing politics.
I just think is sad that we are ALL americans and its republicans against democrats. We are a free VERY blessed country to get the freedoms we do and we take it for granted and still fight one another.
Trust me, it's like that on both sides. Although I can't say that I disagree with voting for one because you don't like the other.
I've heard so much crap from people that I previously thought were intelligent - it concerns me.
I agree with Nicole. I vote...I do my part...I don't discuss it. If someone wants to know why I voted the way that I did then I tell them. But I'm not going to bash someone for their choices, because it is disrespectful! This is a free country and people should really realize how blessed they are!
Statements like the ones your co-workers made are just ignorant. They should just agree to disagree and leave it alone. Noone is an idiot for what they believe in...it's a right that living in the USA grants us.
Oh me too! It really shows me that people don't do their research they just jump on a bandwagon!
I completely agree...Luckily here at work everyone is being very respectful. But people i hear on the streets are killing me.
I just got a text from a friend that read "Due to long lines today, all Obama voters are asked to vote on wednesday. Thank you, Please forward."
I think that is wrong no matter who you want to vote for. I wouldn't send that to a friend esp. since I do not know who they vote for.
There are VERY few who know who I'm voting for and I usually don't share this regardless of what election it is. I think it's a personal choice and our right as Americans. I am not going to judge or bash someone for their decision and I ask the same respect in return. But I guess that's why w/this topic I usually just listen.
I just want people to make an informed choice, be educated on it, and listen to what is being said from the candidates themselves. Then decide and vote.
I did get a SUPER long email from a friend last night/this am whom I went to church w/in ATL and always respected. It was paragraphs long and stated how "as a Christian" this or that with how you vote. I don't think that how I vote makes me a good or bad Christian, as it's how I feel and I will still pray about it and for the new Pres of our country no matter who it is. I couldn't believe he sent me that and all I could do was delete it.
I'm ready for today to be over as well and regardless America will have made history.......
Not one person on this planet knows who I voted for today. I absolutely refuse to discuss it with anyone. It's just simply no one else's business.
I hate discussing politics because so few people are truly informed about the issues. If I heard "Obama's a terrorist/muslim/lunatic" one more time, I was going to scream. Ditto with McCain being old, Palin being a woman, blah blah blah. Very few people who make those statements can actually tell you what the candidate's policies are - it drives me insane. Be informed, and don't send me propoganda BS.
This was the hardest election for me to vote in. My views are all over the place, and there's things about both candidates that I'm really against. However, I wasn't going to not vote. I just won't talk much about it.
Erin... I got the same text forwarded to me as well. I'm just sick of all the emails and people judging others for who they are voting for... regardless of whether it is for mcCain or Obama.
I think political beliefs are like religious beliefs. It's something that's a personal choice and something that shouldn't be forced on others.