Wow the job searching world is crucial! I have seen postings that require a Degree and 5 years of experience, but want to pay $10.00/hr.
Today, I went to an interview where they requested that you just come and ask for someone. Since the office was by DH office I figured I could meet with DH for lunch. The office was small and was a two man team (literally) and he wanted full knowledge of quickbooks and full process accounting. I figured okay we are on the right track. Then he said they are a small company and he sometimes might request that I vaccum the office (still thinking to myslef I can handle that) and run the office while he is gone. He said he normally comes in at 10 till around 6 and the office is closed early on Friday. After all this he tells me he is only willing to pay three dollars less than what I requested (which he asked at the beginning of the interview). Then he says by the way we don't have medical insurance either!
Re: Not that desperate!
Truelove....I'm experiencing the same exact thing! I've been searching the job market for awhile and one of the few interview I got was for an NPO being run out of an apartment in a really bad area of Van Nuys. That was in August, and it's only getting worse!
I'm so surprised by what is being required and the pay that is being offered. My mouth drops to the floor almost everytime. I suppose there are enough people out there looking for anything, that they're willing to take anything.
I know I should be thanking my lucky stars for this, but the organization I work for just underwent a major merger and there were quite a few layoffs(about 20%). I still have a job, decent insurance(only have to pay for the baby), and good work/life balance. The pay isn't great, but it's definitely not peanuts. I keep seeing jobs out there with similar descriptions to my job, plus a dozen more tasks and duties for about half the pay. It's so sad. I know that the pay is almost double mine in the for-profit world, but none of those are available right now. It's going to be a tough couple years for a lot of people.
Good luck with your job search! What are you looking for?
I have had a few good interviews that are paying what I'm asking, but it just aww's me to think these business can truly get away with this. Right now I'm playing the sitting and waiting for call back games (crossing fingers).
I'm looking for general accounting (colletions/business), customer service, administrative support, just about anything office related. I'm close to getting my bachelor's in business/accounting, but would consider all office departments.
My Aunt posted a job on the OC register for a front offce medical clerk with the pay starting at $10.00. She had well over 150 applicants via email and over 100 via fax within a few hours. She ended up having to have the ad pulled because of the high response.
The sad part is that many of these applicants are completely over qualified. She had several applicants with masters degrees!
WOW! Insane..I can't beleive what this economy has reduced us to. They teach us education is the key, but for $10.00 I seriously would not want to open that door.
The job LA job market is the reason why we left CA. Dh was laid off twice in less than a year and just couldn't take anymore of the depressing job offers that you've described. Companies were wanting to pay him 1/2 of what he had been making for the same type of job and crappy or no benefits on top of it. We couldn't take that type of pay cut and still live in LA.
Good luck with your search! I hope that something great comes along very soon.