SO I took Jacob to the podiatrist today, who did diagnose him with flat feet. ?His achilles tendon in on the short side, so I have to do exercises with J to help lengthen it. ?His plantar muscle is also stretched out too much so He prescribed some orthotics. ?Since we picked up on it so early the orthotics will build his arch. ?he also said VANS shoes are the worst shoes ever for kids and should be burned, they have no arch support. ?
Tomorrow we are getting him fitted for his orthotics.
My poor boy, he has to wear shoes all the time now, even in the house. ?When we go for a follow up I think I may take his slippers (they are like shoes, completely closed) to see if those are fine to wear in the house with the orthotics.?
Further to the above, my joy, I just read our health plan coverage & the orthotics are covered @ 100%, Dr. told me they are about $500?
Re: DS has Flat feet
Dr. said every 2 years since he is growing, and the replacements are covered by our insurance. ?The insurance is so cool. ?It uses the blue shield providers list, but it is not blue shield it is a completely self funded insurance, so what that means is the firefighters in the relief association decide on what is covered and what isn't, not an insurance company. ?I was worried because J's pedi said he has never seen it covered by insurance. ?But YAY!!!?
As for the news I'm sorry and glad that you had the coverage.
On a second note he will never be able to enlist in the army ( i think of that as a good thing
I hope he grows out of it and it will not effect him. I know people who have no problems with it in their adult lives.
I would strongly suggest getting a second opinion from another dr. I took Isaac to three podiatrists in the course of 5 years, this after my Mom has had numerous hissy fits about our son having shooting heels and flat feet. (couldn't take it anymore since you know, I was raised in orthos for my flat feet- which is a joke, all those years and I STILL have feet issues!!!) Believe it or not, all 3 refused to give orthos. These dr's claimed that orthos caused more damage to the knees and were a waste of money.
Thank you so much for sharing, I will definitely keep it in mind. ?I did do some research about this too. ?In some cases it is better to just have yearly check ups, in others it is better for the orthotics. ?I also read that some kids actually have to go through surgery to shorten the plantar muscle.
Jacob's left foot/ankle leans in very badly. ?I spoke to his dr about it over the summer (it has gotten worse since summer), and he told me that Jacob should be OK until he reaches about 60-70 lbs. but since Jacob has started having pain without any orthotics, he suggested the podiatrist evaluate Jacob. ?I would like to try them to see if they alleviate his pain. ?His knees were evaluated too, and they are strong and straight without any side to side play. He said that was a good thing, and showed me some exercises to help lengthen his achilles tendon.