Hi there,
I just wanted to chime in on your search for housing in NH, while Rochester may not be the best place to live in NH it's certainly not as bad as it's made out to be. The city is growing and expanding more and more. Housing can be affordable but it depends on where you loo, there are two pretty crappy parts of town, but the rest of the town is clean nice and low crime. They've actually been spending a lot of money to make the streets cleaner and repair the overall look of the city, the crime is no where near as bad as it used to be and the schools aren't as bad as everyone said. I went through the Rochester school system and I turned out just fine. I've lived in Rochester all but a few years of my life and as an adult have chosen to live there. If you're looking for a specifiy style of housing (i.e. apartment complex etc. ) let me know where you're looking and I can give you some back ground on each place. DH and I rent in Rochester and we love where we rent.
Good luck, and don't be scared, Rochester isn't as bad as everyone thinks or says it is!!! If you want to e-mail me plese feel free, my name is Andrea and my e-mail is superstar03867 at yahoo dot com!!!
Re: Austinsgirl07
I just wanted to chime in too, and was going to make a post about this myself.
Rochester by no means is the skuz capital of the world as it is made out to be. With a family would I suggest you live downtown, no.... Lafayette Street might not be such a great choice either. But Rochester expands to be a such a HUGE area. It is a cheaper city to live in, and that's what makes it appealing to the "working class family".
I lived in Rochester for most of my life, and would choose to live there again in a heartbeat. It really is a prime location when you think about it. Depending on which part of the city you live in, you are only half an hour or less from the seacoast which has all the prime shopping you could ask for. You are also less then an hour from Lake Winnipesaukee, the oldest summer resort in America! You would be driving distance from a place that people drop thousands of dollars to stay for just a week!
The schools are good schools... you are dealing with a public school, not a private academy. You will see public politics go round and round, but you will also find good teachers. Teachers who are more then qualified and good at what they do. I do know a handful of teachers who now teach in Rochester, and love it! Public school anywhere in the state is the same. The child recieves the education they are entitled to. What that child gets out of the education depends greatly on what the child and or parents put into it.
You also have a dedicated police and fire department. My dad was a Rochester firefighter for 16 +/- years. I also know a bunch of the police officers and I am also friends with a sargent from the department. I can assure you they are all working to make Rochester a safe community to raise a family. There are a few parts of Rochester I would not live if I had kids, but those areas are only tiny bits compared to the options you have! They have been working very hard to maintain a safe city.
If you have already decided Rochester is not for you, I'm sorry for my speal. But I also encourage you to gain the opinion of those who live there everyday, you have decided to raise families there etc. You may surprised with what you hear. If you have any questions at all feel free to ask! We would be glad to help!
Good luck with your move!
I had NO idea your Dad was a firefigher in Rochester!! That's too funny... I know a few too!! Such a small world!!!
I really hate how people think of Rochester, it's really not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, I'm perfectly happy there and you are TOTALLY right, Lafayette isn't the best area, but that's one small part of the downtown area!! I love Roch!!!!