Hi all!! Just wanted to give you an update! Will was born on December 3rd at 1:22pm...my contractions started around midnight and we finally headed to the hospital around 8am. Got checked in around 8:30 and they said I was 5cm at that time. I got my epideral and was able to rest. They came in again around noon to check me and said I was a good 7 if not 8cm then. But she said she wanted to get the ultra sound machine and see what his position was, she wasn't 100% that he was head down....the ultrasound determined that he was breech so I had to have a c-section. It was so scary how fast things happened after that...the room went from 2 people to about 10 in 2 seconds...all of them explaining what their role was....then I had to go in to get prepped, it was scary to be without my husband for that period, but he got to come in soon enough. The c-section wasn't bad at all, but getting sewn back up was so horrible...I could feel them tugging and pulling, it was really, really uncomfortable. Anyway, it was over soon enough and we got to hold our sweet little boy, I just adore him so much and can't stop looking at him. We got home yesterday afternoon and things are going well so far!! I'll try to post a link to pics.....
Re: Will is here!!
Congratulations!! Unfortunatly, I can't see the photo, but I'm sure you will post more when you are up for it.
He is perfect, Amber!
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