I thought I would start since we have news. Not good news but news. Cycle 2 was a bust for us. Got my period on monday. On to cycle three and trying to avoid christmas for the iui.
Nursery themes??? (have we done that one?)
Well I am curently hot on a green and brown elephant theme based on a cute bedding set.
Re: ttc
Sorry to hear this cycle was a bust Sam, but I am sending you all the baby dust in the world for the next one, and hopefully it wont fall on Christmas. Love love love the nursery theme, it is adorable!
Not any news here, except I have been communicating with a couple possible donors. Thats about all I can do right now.
Here are some pictures of boys room before they were born and before we put both cribs in there. We did a nautical theme - but it didn't translate into my vision (I think the blue is too bright and didn't love L's wave pattern.) L's mom painted the fish and they really weren't what I was wanting. But in the end it didn't matter. It is funny because we searched high and low for bedding and in the end only used the quilt on the floor for playtime, the bumpers were in there for a short amount of time when they were first born (once they started to move, we took them out b/c of SIDS, the sheet was too thin and we moved to flannel sheets year round, and once we had to lower the crib mattress, the skirt went because it dragged on the floor.
If I were to do it again, I'd buy in pieces rather than the whole set. PB Kids has some stuff that I adore.
Sam, So sorry to hear that! Hopefully the third times a charm:) I love the nursery theme!
Not too much here. We are just waiting for our appointment, forming a list of questions to ask, researching and discussing donor qualities we will be looking for, and reading all that we can to prepare ourselves.
ooh, i love the elephant theme! that's the type of style i tend to like, although i've been somewhat avoiding looking at baby things right now, or at least not actively seeking them out for my own mental health, so i don't have anything at the moment. i like the nautical idea and i like animal themes, although i don't really know what c is thinking so we'll see. maybe we could combine the two and get something like this. plus it's turtles which i used to collect (i still have a lot of them, i'm just not actively collecting anymore).
we're waiting right now. we have five days until testing, assuming she doesn't start over the weekend. she's been starting a day or two before we're supposed to test, so if she doesn't i'm taking it as a good sign. she's gone from thursday to sunday evening. if she gets home and hasn't started i think it's highly likely we'll test then. that would be the best christmas present ever.
To all of you in TTC world, hang in there. I know that living life in two week roller-coaster-like increments is incredibly hard.
For us, time is ticking by. We are about 4 weeks from the due date. W is feeling pretty good. We had a big argument two nights ago and I went to another room to cool off and get some space. After a bit, W came to get me b/c the baby was going nuts. She was flipping all over the place. When I came back, and spoke and sang to her she calmed down after a few minutes. We had one other big argument during W's pregnancy and the same thing happened. It is amazing how when W gets really upset the baby seems to get freaked out.
On a side note, we decided to donate the baby's cord blood to the national registry. Our neighbor's son's life was saved by a cord blood transplant and there were only two matches for him in the world. So this feels particularly relevent and important to us. We did the extensive paperwork and sent it in last week. We got a call today saying we were rejected because we used a known donor rather than a donor who went through an accredited sperm bank. I called back and complained stating that how we inseminated had no additional risks than a straight couple having sex. In fact we have less risk compared to your average Joe b/c our donor had extensive testing. The bank said they could not do anything because they could lose their accrediation. I plan to call the National Bone Marrow Registry tomorrow and make a stink and see what I can do. Yet again, the system it totally set up for straight fertile couples.
very cute bedding! I am drawn to mother and baby animals... I actually saw some almost perfect stuff at IKEA last time I was there, but like someone else said, I don't buy it for my own mental health. And lack of space.