Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. And thanks jayme for continuing to keep in touch and asking me how I was doing.
I finally got discharged from Cedars. I'm doing better, but I'm at home on bed rest for a few days.
I have to rest and be careful so I dont relapse and end up back in the hopsital. I'm getting more tests done next week to see if they can find out what caused this.
The doctors originally thought it was my appendix due to the severe pain.
One thing that has come out of this, is that I cannot stay vegetarian, I have to start eating meat. =( Its going to take a bit for me to get my head around that one.
Thanks again for all your well wishes.
If I feel up to it, would anyone have a problem with me coming to the GTG without cookies? I loved baking the last few years for the cookie exchange, but I definitely am not going to be up to it this time. If I'm feeling strong enough I'd still like to come. I just feel bad coming empty handed. =(
Re: I'm home from the hospital ladies- thanks!
Glad you're back home. Take care of yourself. And no worries about the cookies. I just hope you feel better!!!!
I hope everything works out for you and I do hope to see you at the GTG.
Also if you really don't want to show up empty handed I don't mind picking something up for you (I don't bake much) and wrapping it individually, just so you won't feel left out. I don't mind!
I'm so glad you are back at home and I don't think anyone would mind if you don't bake cookies. Totally understandable. Rest up and I hope you get back to feeling normal soon.
Although I don't think I'll be able to make it as I wont have a car cause DH has a class that day and our truck needs work. Boohoo.
My initial thought was appendicitis, too. But, given your history, I guessed that it might not be that simple.
I hope you'll be able to show up at the GTG - of course, depending on how you're feeling. I think you're entitled to show up "empty- handed." There will be plenty of goodies.
Yea, they said my body needs red meat. Red meat has bacterias in it that go into your digestive system. That could me.
I stopped eating meat due to an illness, not because of religion or anything. So i can probably start again. I just have to be brave.
Thanks, I'll try and show up on sunday if i feel up to it. I'll just bake extra for next year. ha!
so glad to hear you are home and feeling better!
I have a prescription for you, since you have to start eating meat again: go splurge on a fantastic steak somewhere, like Fleming's or Ruth's Chris. MIL's dr told her she needed to eat a little red meat for that very reason (she eats only chicken, no fish, no pork, no lamb, just chicken) and what does she do? She gets a burger from In-n-Out! Why, when there are such glorious things as filet mignon and prime rib! Sorry, I got off track... Just glad you are better!
awe thanks everyone.
thanks, mia...
I will try to show up. I rsvp'd as maybe.
If I'm up for it, i'll come!
I'm not starting my new meat adventure until I am better. One day at a time. My tummy can only handle so much trauma!
Glad to hear that you are home and on the way to recovery.
Good idea with taking things one day at a time...my continued prayers for you.