So AOL has a little thing up right now where people write in their worst gifts ever, and this one was so incredibly creepy that I had to share! LOL
"I had only been dating this guy for a couple weeks. It wasn't going anywhere, and I didn't think either of us took it too seriously. Well, he invites me over to his mom's house for dinner ... In front of everyone, he gives me this gold necklace, like one that might have your name spelled out, only instead of my name, it says 'taken'. When I got home that night, I bagged up the necklace plus a couple other little things he had given me and left them on his front porch. Creepy."
Re: worst gift ever... lol
Ahhh another one, LOL.
"For Christmas one year, my mother-in-law gave me a video tape on how to give yourself a breast exam ... that she got for free someplace. It was placed in a gift box wrapped with Christmas paper and ribbon. Did I say her son is an only child, which makes me the only daughter-in-law?"
OMG those are awful.
My mom and I still laugh at some of the gifts that my grandmother and aunt (her daughter, my dad's sister) would send me. My aunt made me this denim vest (ok, seriously I think she got that at goodwill, which is fine but....) with doilies sewn on to it all over. This was when I was in middle school. I was MORTIFIED.
The next year she sent me and my sister puffy paint tennis shoes she had made. Granted I loved that she had made these and it was the "thought that counts" but when you're 11-14 those aren't things you really want to wear to school.
Then when I was in college, for my 18th bday (which my mom and I thought was a pretty significant age) my grandmother sent me a cactus........lovely.
They always gave us weird gifts.
wow, a cactus? that is interesting.
for my 19th bday, dh (then bf) got me a book (chicken soup for the college student's soul or something like that). it was a sweet gesture, and of course i told him that i loved it and even read it. but he confessed later that he really didn't know what else to get. i still pick on him about it.
These stories are hilarious!!!
When I graduated college my aunt gave me monogrammed crimson and white towels. Even though I was going to Auburn! We tease about it now but she says she thought I would change my mind and go to Alabama.