So I had my review today and in all my 13 yrs in the workforce, I have never. never. never.
I can't believe the things he said, the things he had the gaul to say, how he just shocked me with some things (you don't bombard someone with something that happened 6 mos ago!!!!! and never tell them about it and then ask them to improve!?!?!? wth.) and how he is.
My co-worker had her worst review too. She was hurt by hers as well but she cheered me up a little at lunch.
He is insufferable and this is unreal. I can't believe it.
I'm grateful to have a job but for someone where it takes a lot to cry, to have tears at work, this is appauling.
Sorry, vent over. Runs to search more for a job or prays that EAMC calls me back for an interview. I can't do this much longer. Thank God for vacation........
Going to my mammogram next week will be better than this.
Re: this is a horrible day
I am so sorry!! That sounds just like my old job. Our reviews were nothing but pointing out EVERY. LITTLE. THING. we do and/or did wrong. Nothing positive and it would just make me feel like the worst person ever when I'd walk out of there.
I'm really hoping you find a new job soon. It will be like a light at the end of the tunnel and it's such a great feeling to finally tell them to "take this job and shove it."
thanks ladies.
And Jane you made me laugh outloud and it wasn't even involving a nativity. ha.
yeah, if you look at my review (I have a printout, what a dumba$$ - no one has ever printed them out!!!) he says negative MULTIPLE times and describes me as negative. I had changed that and people saw it but that's not helping me at all. Plus, I have NEVER been viewed or described that way. It doesn't help when he says he hates the product (we support), he doesn't want us to sell it anymore, he wants it to go away, he hates our partner/vendor, etc - so I'm the negative one - what about when your boss is?!!?!? ugh.
Yes, I'm def on the hunt/search b/c I can't take this. It's degrading.
thanks girls. I really try not to take work personally but this was really hard not to. I asked him how I could not when he keeps rehashing everything it makes me sound like I'm the problem (when I KNOW I'm not and NOT a bad/negative person).
yes, here's looking to my time off Amy!!!
:: praying Genia calls!!! ::
thanks for all the nice words and hate that I'm such a Debbie Downer lately.
But seriously, yall should have seen this personality analysis that he had done a couple years ago (they required his old team to do it) and his was ASTONISHING. and awful.
his wife is even not happy w/him b/c he works too much. go figure.
well, we have that here (360 review) but you have to have more than 2 people reporting to you. Since it's just me and this other girl then we can't evaluate him....... ugh.
Ugh, that sucks! He's probably keeping it 2 people to prevent that from happening.
I'm sorry about your review not going well! ( Were the things he brought up mentioned to you before? My HR dept. has made it clear to me that I can't include any sort of constructive coaching in a review for my staff unless I have talked with them about it before the actual review.
Alesha, he won't be able to hire more than just us two for a while b/c they locked down a hiring freeze for ALL of 09, so I'm screwed. oh well.
Heather, I don't know about all that. I've NEVER gone into a review (beg, mid or end year) where everything was a COMPLETE shock. He should have told me these things when they happened so I could work on them. Now it doesn't mean a thing b/c some of his examples - those people don't even work for our vendor anymore b/c of layoffs. Plus, he does a lot of stuff behind our backs, like I'll call the client or vendor (b/c he asked me to or b/c I have something going on) and then he'll do the same thing. Or I'll respond to an email and he will too. So I look like an idiot. As if he doesn't trust me. So weird b/c I've NEVER had this issue. It's clearly him, too hard to explain more.
Katie I'm so sorry. My manager's only saving grace is that he gives me really good/positive reviews come year end.
new job dust to you and I in 2009!
thanks Sarah girl. you know it. I hope 09 brings even better things. I'm praying for that - condo sold, new job, whatever God brings.......