I live in MN and I cook a lot using fresh herbs. So I don't have to buy them, I started growing them inside in a full sun area in my home. I want to keep them indoors.
I have add several episodes where I have to trash and redo my mint. Now, my cilantro and my parsley are infested.
The plants are developing these teeny insects that cause the leaves to become whitish. They crawl on fine webs. They look reddish brown. Smaller than the head of a pin.
I am not growing the herbs from seeds, but rather from small plants that I buy at a store in the organic produce section. I pot them and grow them to full size. I have been using a Scott's bagged potting mixture to pot the plants.
So, what are these insects and how do I prevent them?
Re: Eeek. What are these insects???
Cancer sucks.
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