Hi, My husband and I have been married for almost 4 years. We dated for 9 years before we got married. I know things change once you are married, especially since we've been together for almost 13 years but I'm really worried about how all these changes are affecting our relationship. We've been arguing on and off for some time and it seems that no matter what the arguement is about, it always comes down to the same thing. We have different ways of going about things...I'm a talker and very emotional , my husband is not. This is always a problem for me because it seems that he never really tells me straight out what he's thinking until I come up with a conversation and practically have to force him to talk. This always results in an arguement and our arguements tend to deviate from the original point. I just don't know what to do anymore. I always knew he wasn't really a talker but over the past few years, it's gotten worse...and I've noticed he shares less and less with me as time goes by. When I get home he's always watching sports but gets mad at me for being on the phone, when he does talk to me it always seems to be about how I should exercise and diet. Doesnt' talk about his day, doesn't care about mine. All he wants to do is talk about fitness or fitness related. I know I've gained A LOT of weight but him not sharing anything else with me besides that really hurts my feelings.
We don't spend a lot of time together because of our work schedules, when he gets out of work he does whatever he wants, when I get home I would like to do the things we used to do before we got married...relax, cuddle, watch a movie, talk. All he wants to do is keep doing his thing which is sports and fitness related and when I don't he gets mad so we end up doing our own thing, him in the living room and me in the bedroom. Then he complains about that.
Am I alone in this? Has Work, Routine, Lifestyles affected your relationships? Has it caused you to grow apart? Can this be a reason to get divorced? What do u do? I've tried to get advice from my trusted few but what I've gotten from them is men are like that, maybe he's bored, maybe you should lose weight...is this for real???? Didn't we vow to be together through it all??? I know I should make an effort on losing weight but is this really that important? Is it right to let everything else go just because the person you married doesn't look the way you would like them to look or watches sports or exercise like u do? What about love, quality time, communication?
Re: Routine, Work, Lifestyles, Communication, Growing Apart...
But is he talking about exercise because he wants to include you in his interests or hobbies, because he wants you to be healthier, or for strictly vanity reasons?
If the only thing he'll talk to you about is exercise, and it's only for vanity reasons, that's a problem. Your husband should love you and communicate with you regardless of what you look like or how physically fit you are.
Have you thought about couples counseling? I think you need to talk about what's really going on here.
Baby Boy loved for 15 weeks, 5/31/11
Baby Girl loved for 16.5 weeks. 3/1/12
Communication is key. Get yourselves to a counselor.
And if he is so keen about you getting in shape and he wants to *include you* then why doesn't he suggest something you can do together like martial arts or ballroom dancing?
This statement makes no sense to me. After being together for 9 years, what is it about marriage that you think is going to suddenly going to change your relationship? What are "these changes" that you're referring to?
This is coming from someone who was w/ her DH for 11 years before marriage.
HOnestly, when I see statements like this, what it tells me is that there were problems in your relationship before you got married. But you decided to ignore the issues all in the hopes of "Oh- but once we get married, everything will be better!". And now you're finding out that's not the case. But insetad of owning up to the faact that you're issues probably at least had a foundation before marriage, you'd rather blame "marriage" as the reason.
"Marriage" isnt' the reason you're having problems. You're having problems because you're having problems.
If you want to find real solutions, you have to start looking at the actual problems.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
I didn't go out explaining all the details about the changes because 1: I wrote what the changes might be on the tittle 2: when you go from not living with someone to sharing a home, bills, etc...all these things are changes to your relationship since you didn't have to share them before. 3: there were a a lot more things that I wanted to write so in order to not make a long first comment I decided not to include and save for future comments.
Our foundation was very solid before we got married...solid doesn't mean perfect so there were always little arguments here and there, none to do with what we're going through now. I am not blaming marriage or ignored our problems thinking they were gonna disappear once we did get married. We didn't have these problems before we got married. Yes, he's always been reserved and not much of a talker but when it came to sharing his life and looking for ways to make our relationship better, he never had a problem or closed himself off.
There was a reason for us dating 9 years before we got married and I believe that in those years we got to know each other as much as we could in our situation. We spent most of our days together, and in those years we shared different stages of our lives together ( he was 18, I was 20 when we started dating). When I referenced things after marriage what I meant was sharing a home, chores, bills, having to work crazy hours in order to be able to support OUR home. That could put a lot of pressure on a couple , especially if these things affect the time you were used to spend before. Our major problems didn't come overnight but they did start after we got married because the things affecting us now in a major way were things we didn't have to deal with before we got married.
I have a clear understanding on what our problems are right now and I think I stated that in the rest of my comment after my initial statement.
The reason why I wrote it on here was because I wanted advice and wondered if there was anyone else out there that had experienced this in their marriage.
O.k.- being together 9 years, I will say that I assumed you had lived together. As you hadn't - THAT is probably the biggest factor that is playing a role in all these changes. NOT the actual "marriage" part. LIving together IS a huge adjustment.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10