I mostly lurk here to get some good ideas for everyone but I need some advice. Our lawn is ridiculously bad. Front and back. The grass in the front NEVER grows in thick and lush, I've triedn watering it, fertilizing it, putting down grass seed. Nothing works. It faces west but gets a decent amoutn of shade from a number of trees. The back yard is only half grass, half dirt and is mostly shade. We have two dogs, one of which is a 65lb female. In addition to them both trampling the yard, it seems wherever the female urinates, the grass shrivels up and dies. We are planning on putting our house on the market next summer and I think a decent lawn will really make a difference. I've tried everything I can think of (same as the front lawn) but again, nothing works.
I recently came across Comat Extreme Northern Zone 90% tall fescue and 10% Kentucky bluegrass mixture. It is supposed to be good for high traffic, shade or sun, good for all climates. Has anyone had experience with this product? Or any suggestions or advice at all?
It says to plant 8 weeks before the first frost, which has technically passed. Although with the weather lately who really knows, it is still in the 70s where I'm at. If I plant now will I just waste all that seed? If I wait until soil temps reach 65* will it have time to grow in nicely? Please help!!!