OK so I'd like to know what everyone thinks CHEATING actually is? My H and I separated( well he left me after an argument, a dumb one at that) he says we are done, packs his stuff and leaves. Doesn't call or anything, then decides that he is coming back home after a week gone. I told him that because he left he should stay where he was until we can figure out what we are going to do because getting mad and walking out on your wife is NOT ok. He tells me that he is coming home because I haven't called or reached out to him(why should I? he left me) he needs to come home because he doesn't know what I was doing. FAST FORWARD, I ended up leaving to stay at a friends house because I feel he obviously doesn't love me or have respect for our marriage. And after 3 1/2 years of NO ORGASM ( he knows I haven't had one and his answer to me when we discussed it was and I quote "I read in a book that some women cum slower than some men and I feel there is nothing wrong with me It's you! You need to fix it") So I decide to sleep with someone, had multiple orgasms... Was this cheating?
Re: Cheating or not cheating?
yes I'm for real. I was under the assumption we were DONE.... I obviously was wrong...
going to do as in who was going to keep the apartment , who was getting the 1 car we had ect ect.....his stuff was completely packed and ready for him to pick up. He had previously threatened to leave no less than 5 times, this time he actually did it. But wrong is wrong just wanted to know if he was right in feeling cheated on..
"A women who can kneel before the Lord can stand up to anything"
No, multiple orgasms negates infidelity if you've never had one with your husband. 8-|
This can't be real. If it doesn't count as cheating if you have orgasms, then a lot more people would be sleeping around.
Basically, OP, if you are married (or unmarried but in a monogamous relationship), if a man other than your partner puts his penis into your vagina, that would be considered cheating. Does this answer your question?
BFP - 10/29/2016!!!, EDD - 7/8/2017
Yep.. that's cheating. A marriage is the most amazing thing in the world. You will go through hard times but you have to stick in it But you cannot work on things if you are too busy trying to get pleasure in other places. People do make mistakes but if yall do continue with your marriage, I hope that you are honest with him and y'all seek counseling..