I don't want to brag, but I feel like my marriage is awesome. Mainly because it just feels so easy! I don't understand why some couples (mainly some of my friends) struggle so much in their marriage. Am I the only one who feels that marriage is easy when you're with the right person? Obviously I'm not including health, financial, fidelity, or other serious issues in this discussion. I'm just talking about the day-to-day life. I have friends who tell me about their marriage and it's like walking through molasses or pulling teeth! Anyway, I'm just curious if I'm just being naïve or something but my marriage just feels easy!
People told me before we got married that your first year of marriage is the hardest. If that's the case, I think we'll be pretty happy for a long time considering it was pretty darn easy! Even through unemployment and in-depth fights, I feel like our relationship was pretty easy.
Anyone else feel like their marriage is easier than a lot of people said it would be, or easier than they thought it would be? Or am I just totally full of it?
Re: Am I the only one?
"A women who can kneel before the Lord can stand up to anything"
I think ours has been pretty easy. We have had a lot of difficulties like a chronic illness, two job losses, a miscarriage and the worst was losing our first child, but our relationship it self has been strong. Things have been a little difficult here lately because he is working more hours, but overall I know he cares about us and spending time together and that is all that matters.
I do have to say that I believe that when it came to choosing a husband, I chose wisely.
But it's nice to know that there's other people out there that have a similar relationship to us and make it though the hard times.
It's nice to be able to appreciate the easier times when I know it isn't always going to be this way.
We've gone through difficult times together (health, deaths, financial). But during these hard times our relationship is still easy (supportive, helpful, understanding, loving). We've actually grown and become stronger during these difficult times.
Don't get me wrong we still quarrel and fight from time to time. But it's not unhealthy.
Yeah. That's why you feel like it's easy. You're still in the hormone surge. Add ten years, a mortgage, stress at work, stress with extended family, illnesses, surgeries and screaming children climbing up your leg. It gets harder.
Not that I'm saying it's bad. I have a great marriage. But it's life. It's not puppies and rainbows all the time and anyone who tells you it is is full of shit. Like any good relationship, it takes time, attention and effort to keep the people involved feeling loved, appreciated and happy. Some days that's really, really easy to do. Other days it's not but you do it anyway because you love them enough to plow through even when you want to give up.
These types of posts always make me chuckle, in a good way.
Thinking back to the first couple of years of our relationship, I remember thinking how easy and fun it was. I understand where you're coming from.
But 16 years later and coming up on our 10 year wedding anniversary - sometimes my marriage is easy, sometimes it's brutally hard. That's life. I hope that in 10 years you're able to look back and chuckle at the naivety of the newlyweds that you hear talk about how easy their marriage is.
So true, so true. I adore my son and so does my DH, but having him was about 100 times harder on our marriage than I thought it would be. You just don't have the time or energy sometimes to nurture your marriage the way all these books and websites would tell you to do. It takes a real effort, and sometimes when you do have a minute, you just want to be alone for an hour or go to bed, or go to the bathroom by yourself. Enjoy the honeymoon phase!!
Personally, I have only been married for 3 1/2 months. My husband and I have been a couple for 6 years though. We have a pretty good grasp on how to be together through horrible trials as well as dealing with conflict. I am not naive though, I know that there are more trials to come, things that we haven't experienced yet, and it will be a test of our relationship. I expect it to be hard, but I also know that we are both committed to get through it.