I hope everyone is having a good one so far. This is my first post to
this board and prior to adding this discussion I searched for related topics
but, was unsuccessful in finding the information I am looking for.
We have a 9 year old Australian Sheppard mix that has just recently started
eating cat poop. We have a total of five cats, and while we are able to
close off one area of our home to keep him from indulging, we are not able to
do this with all of the litter boxes. At
the suggestion of our vet we have added a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement
to his diet but so far (about 3 months) this has not worked. We have also looked into over the counter
supplements but cannot find any designed for this specific issue. We do know that he loves the cat’s food and
suspect this could be part of the problem so we have taken precautions to
ensure he does not have access to it during feeding.
I am wondering if anyone has experience with this issue and what was done to resolve it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Re: Dog eating cat poop
B/w 1/8: betas 17,345, progesterone 25.6
Thanks for the reply! I will definitely give your suggestions a try. As far as exercise, we keep him very active with trail hikes daily throughout the week and then dog bean and park runs on the weekends.