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Transition to milk question
DS had his one year visit today with his pedi. Long story short, he's been battling with constipation issues since we began to introduce foods at 6 months. Also around that time, I noticed ezcemas on his chest and redness around his rectum- all signs of milk sensitivity. At the suggestion of pedi, we tried different things for the constipation. The problem never cleared up and we were finally sent to a GI. All the while we were never told to switch his formula to soy or something else. At the GI consult, she could find nothing physically wrong with DS and believes the constipation issues could be him just holding on. She also did not rule out milk sensitivity. She prescribed a liquid laxative, and DS is now going fine. He also still has the skin and redness issues Which have not responded to OTC remedies suggested by our pedi. Meanwhile, getting DS to eat is often a battle. He puts food in his mouth and spits it out. He does fine with puréed food when offered but doesn't eat a whole lot at a time. He only has 2 teeth.
Fast forward to today. Pedi believes DS may indeed have milk sensitivity (after reading GI report) which I know I brought up in the past. She told us to start him on soy milk 14oz per day and the rest food even if its puréed food for now. She also mentioned he is 1 pound overweight for his size (no idea how- he still wears Size 3 diapers and 9 month clothes with room to spare) I did indeed buy soy milk and DS drank it like a champ at bedtime. But he only ate 2oz of puréed beef with veggies for
dinner. So here I am at 4am looking stuf up. I'm reading lots of bad things about soy milk for boys. I'm also concerned he will not be getting the nutrients he needs because he's not a big eater. I am thinking of switching him to soy based toddler formula for now while we work on getting him to eat more (obviously not overdoing it with the formula). He sees the pedi again in 4 weeks for a weight/skin check. I know I should listen to my pedi, but my Mommys instinct says go back to formula. I just dont want to hinder my son's development, especially since hes notba big eater and we have to avoid dairy right now. Sorry for the long post! BTW GI said they can do a blood test for milk sensitivity but pedi said it isn't accurate. Sorry for the long post!

Re: Transition to milk question
As for soy, I know that if there is a dairy alergy, it's not uncommon for there to also be a soy alergy. I'd get in to talk to the GI again if I were you. pound overweight, really?! Do you like your pedi otherwise? I'd be giving them a bit of a side eye.
My little nuggets
My little nuggets
Thanks ladies for your support! I think we're going to buy the toddler soy formula to give him at bedtime and naptime only for now. Last night after he screamed for two hours at bedtime and kept throwing the bottle of soy milk and also water across the room, I caved and gave him the remaining 2oz of his baby formula that was in the container. He inhaled it like it was gold, and passed out for 7 straight hours. If we see he's not eating for an extended period, we'll give him the formula when needed. I also think I'm going to get him a referral to an allergist to just get him tested so maybe we can avoid all of this trial and error.
Kernal- I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with a kid who can go hours without food!
My little nuggets