Whoo hoo, I actually meal planned, and not just dinner but lunch, too! Don't worry though, I won't bore you with both sets of meals.
Sunday - Cod with zucchini & tomatoes (baked in foil packets)
Monday - White bean chicken chili + ceasar salads (double batch so 1/2 is getting frozen)
Tuesday - Leftover chili + arugula salads
Wednesday - Chicken sausage and rabe, subbing white beans instead of pasta
Thursday - Quinoa w/mixed veggies + arugula salads
Friday - Going to Painting with a twist...not sure what I'll be doing for food
Saturday - Probably grab dinner somewhere local
And on a semi related note, the next time we move, we will be evaluating not just school districts but local supermarkets, too. I am so over Giant, Acme, and Shoprite. I'd rather drive completely out of my way to go to Wegmans or Whole Foods, because the produce doesn't go bad within a day of buying it and the meat tastes less processed. At least the farmers markets will be popping up again semi-soon.
Re: Menu Monday
Tuesday - honey mustard pork loin in the crock, couscous and peas.
Wednesday - I'm going out so the boys are on their own!
Thursday - soup and sandwiches/salads
Friday - Stromboli
For the Wellington, what did you use for the pastry? Were they hard to make?
When I see a recipe for beef wellington, I imagine Gordon Ramsey telling me all of the reasons how I managed to jack it up....so I pass on making the beef wellington.