I don't even know where to begin. My husband just told me he isn't happy because I had bronchitis for two weeks and we didn't have sex for the entire two weeks--his words were "you didn't even try to have sex with me" (mind you, I was coughing up blood, in the ER twice) i didn't say anything, because I'm afraid I will hit below the belt as I tend to do. But seriously, I'm thinking "what do you do for me?" I make more than him, he constantly says he needs a second job, but won't get off his rear to find one. He is unhappy at his job because he doesn't make enough money, so I've been given the task of finding him a second job. He is always behind on his portion of the bills, except the rent because we rent the house from his best friend and he doesn't want to "look bad" with his friends. So he looks bad to the credit card company, the gas company and his cell phone carrier--I pay everything else. He got tired of waiting for the bus and refuses to buy a second car, so I'm now responsible for getting up 3 hours earlier than usual to take him to work and breaking my neck after work to pick him up. I came into this with 2 children, ages 7 and 10, for whom I share joint custody. But when it's my time they live with us. He has an 18 year old daughter who runs wildly in the streets, she dropped out of school and only contacts him for money. When I learned she didn't have a permanent residence, I offered up our spare bedroom, he refused, saying he can't afford to feed another person and doesn't trust her around our personal belongings, because she has stolen from most of her family members. Fine. A few weeks after that, he asked me for $100 to buy her a cell phone. I didn't have it because I was planning a 10th birthday party for my daughter, but I asked for her number so I could take her job hunting the next weekend, he refused that, saying she's irresponsible and I'm just covering up for not giving her the money she wanted, Because "I ALWAYS put my kids o ahead of his".On top of everything else, our sex life is so dull I call it "pump and dump" I have bought kama sutra books, toys, you name it, he says "we don't have time for all that, let's just do it and get it over with" (this CAN'T be life!) I have been so depressed lately over all this and to top it off, he wants a BABY! There's no way in hell I'm bringing another party into this situation without fixing it first. He doesn't want to go to counseling because "that's for crazy people". When I talk to my mother, who has been married for 40 years to my dad, she just says "that's what you get for marrying someone who isn't in your league" she thinks he is a BUM and beneath me. I was dating a lawyer before him and my mom was more into him than I was! My husband used to be my bestie, he made me so happy, but now, I'm over it, he acts like my son, rather than my man. Now he wants to plan a 1 year anniversary party that he doesn't have the money for and I don't have the energy to celebrate this mess, seriously, what are we celebrating?!?!?
Re: Fell in love with a man, married a man-child....
Give seirious thought to leaving him.
Counseling for you: this is Marriage #2 gone bad --- find out why you seem to attract guys who cannot be equals and decent husbands.
Sorry for your troubles.
For shits and giggles, ask him "What exactly are we celebrating?" Get his input and viewpoint. Should be worth the laugh --- don't you think so?.
And fraud is grounds for a civil annulment.
See an attorney; perhaps you can indeed have this marriage declared void as per an anullment.
Nothing here for you anyway; get rid of him now before the issue worsens.