My husband and I are about to move into our new home and I'm ready to start with decorating ideas. The main color in the house is kind of a dark beige, kitchen is butterscotch Sundae (in between orange and beige) and our formal dining room is green. Our floors are dark hardwood flooring throughout the dining room, kitchen, and living area. I'm trying to figure out my color schemes for each room. I already know that the dining room is going to have some kind of greenish décor to it, but I'm having trouble with the master bedroom and living room. I really wanted my master bedroom to be brown and teal, but I have also found a rug and some really pretty décor for my living room color to have that same color scheme.
Does it really matter if I have the same color scheme in my living room as my master bedroom? I will switch up the colors throughout the year, but I'm really aiming for the brown/teal color scheme. I'm not sure about the kitchen yet, but I may go with green and brown....LOL yeah I love dark colors.
Let me know your thoughts, please.
Re: Decorating NEW home Color Scheme
It does not matter if rooms have similar looks. Also, most people are not going to view your master bedroom, so you can do what you want.
Generally, designers advise folks to select inspiration items that they love (pieces of artwork, fabrics, décor items, etc.) that they can then pull from in designing a room's décor and color scheme.
For example, in our old house, we had a rug we found for under or table in the kitchen. Its colors became our inspiration for the design of the décor in the kitchen and the connected family room, dining room, and foyer.
If you think of your home as a flowing design, rather than giving each room a totally different appearance, you will help crate more visual flow between spaces.
It all depends on your personality and what you want to achieve. Some people are looking for visual excitement and fun. Others want to evoke feelings of rest and coziness. has some quizzes you can take to discover design styles.
One opinion I have, which I relize now is that in our first home I went trendy witht e the colors and décor. And, I think because it was a home design based on trends, it would have fallen flat on its face in 5-6 years and I would have grown tired of it.
So, my opinion is for people decorating homes, to try and choose a goo