Hello. I'm not new here but I rarely post anything. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for my crazy cat. I grew up with cats and have always owned cats and this guy is by far got the most personality EVA. He talks and talks and talks. I think he is egyptian mau, or at least he looks like one. I rescued him from a parking lot almost nine years ago. Anyway, he and my other kitty stay indoors. He is the dominant one and kind of bullies her - not in a super mean way, just in a dominant way "this is your place" way, and she is submissive. They still cuddle together when they nap. It's quite a relationship.
Ok so there's a little background. This isn't about the cats' relationship.
Being a dominant, VERY vocal "look at me pet me feed me ME ME ME" personality... he is very "in your face" when it comes to my 9 month old. He is not mean towards him... he is just literally ALWAYS in his face. Only now that baby is crawling and always in the floor, the issue has come up. Here's the usual scenario:
Put baby on his play mat. Cat is asleep in chair, sees this, and decides to go lay right next to baby on the playmat. Baby enjoys this and starts to "pet" him (he thankfully does not yank or pull very much... just want to touch, really) and every time baby touches kitty, kitty gripes. He does not swat or lash out, just more of a "back off, I don't like that." Of course when baby is old enough to understand I will teach him not to bother kitty, but thing is the cat will not leave him alone or stay out of his space! If baby is on the floor kitty is next to him, but yet does not want to be touched. If baby is crawling, kitty is fluffing in his face... but gripes when baby reciprocates any affection.
I think it's the dominant thing. My cat is dominant over the floor maybe? I mean, it's not just the baby. For the past nine years he has always been like this. "I'm going to get RIGHT UP IN YOUR FACE and meow my butt off." The thing is I know not to mess with him too much. Pet him where he likes to be petted and move on. If he is in my way, I move him.
Or I feed him. The cat would eat 24/7 if I let him. He is obese.
So maybe he is just constantly wanting food.
I'm not sure.
I know this is not the worst cat/baby issue but it is definitely annoying. I hate doing it but I have to lock the cat up in a separate room most of the time just so he will leave the baby alone. Like I said he has never lashed out or swatted but the baby has gotten scratches on his arm where the cat is putting his paw out against his arm like "go away"... and one time his claws got hung up on baby's clothes and that caused some involuntary scratches.
Sorry this has gotten long.
Other than separating the cat and the baby, does anyone have suggestions? I try my best to give the cat plenty of stimulation. He's not super playful. I made a puzzle feeder out of a cardboard box (which my other cat figured out quickly and loves) but this one just looks at me like "you want me to work for my food? yeah right."
Really my go-tos are feeding him, spraying him with a water bottle, and eventually just locking him up until baby is no longer playing in the floor.
My other cat has absolutely no interest in the baby and just chills out where ever. No prob.
Re: Cat & Baby