Hi Everyone,
My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years now, and we live together, and he is basically a father to my daughter (he's been in her life since she was 1). Most of the time, we are all very happy together. However, when we get into fights, it gets really bad. For example, today we all went to a restaurant/bar and watched the soccer game together. During the game, my boyfriend asked me to drive us home since he was drinking. I said sure. Well, we get in the car, and we approach a busy intersection where the police are waving everyone to turn right (even though you can normally go either way). My boyfriend starts blaring party music and rolling down the windows. I turned down the music and was like, "Wait, can you just wait till we get past this intersection because it's confusing and I can't concentrate." So he turns the music back up and starts complaining that he shouldn't have let me drive, and I'm being ridiculous, and that I should just turn left, even though the POLICE are waiving me to go right. He wants me to ignore the police officer. So I turn right, and I get annoyed, and I'm like, "Sure, it's easy for you to act like a cowboy and tell me to blow off the police when you're a passenger, but I'm the one driving, so just leave me alone!" So he's like, "This is ridiculous. I should never have let you drive." And then we stop at a red light, and he gets OUT of the car, and comes around to my side so he can drive. He's like, "Move over." But I refuse to get out of the drivers seat, so he goes back around and sits in his side. THEN the car in front of us starts going slow, and he reaches across me and starts beeping the horn! So then I just lose it. I start yelling and saying some very regrettable things. We finally made it home safely, and he just went to sleep. I honestly feel awful for the things I said, and I think I really caused the situation to escalate the way it did. At the time, I just felt so freaked out by his behavior. But then, I am an anxious driver. Would you have felt freaked out as well?
Re: Bad Fight while Driving- Would you have gotten mad?
Leave this guy because he also has a drinking problem!
He needs AA and a sponsor.
Why in heck do you want a boyfriend who has a problem with booze, in addition to anger problems and a problem handling pressure???
It's almost like sleep-walking/being trapped in a night terror. He and I used to get into these really bizarre, awful fights, and he would say stuff that doesn't even sound like him. When I'd tell him about the next day, he'd be like, "What?? There's no way I would have said that."
Either he is bluffing or he is having drinking blackouts. Neither one is acceptable. Get rid of him.
Thankfully, fairly quickly, we realized that hard alcohol was the cause, and he totally stopped drinking it. But I guess the sangria had that same effect. Anyway, if I'd realized he was in that "mode" I wouldn't have reacted so strongly to his behavior and would have just laid low. He just makes no sense at all when he's like that.
HE makes no sense.
You need him like a hole in the head. Give him the boot. He's got a ton of problems.
That is somebody who is not in active recovery. So he is still a boozehound even IF he "goes on the wagon" by himself.
@crystaldbl is on the right track when she said the drinking will get worse but not when she said "both of you should look into getting him some help." Nope: he's got to do it FOR HIMSELF, not for anybody else. Otherwise the whole thing is for naught.
You are only dating this guy. Leaving him should be a snap; there is nothing legal and binding here.
A drunk and an immature 6 year old where you'll wind up walking on eggs around him is NOT for you. Leave him posthaste. There is no future with him.