What a fantastic 4th of July weekend we had with H's family (despite the actual 4th getting rained out!) we go to his aunts cookout every year and the following day is a wiffle ball tourney of 4 teams between 2 houses/yards (all H's family - brothers, cousins, uncles etc) It is so much fun as it turns into a 2 day party with the same people!
As one of the few family members that live out of town (just over an hour away) this is our time to catch up with all of H's family. We purchased our first home just over a week ago and his family was all so excited to hear about it and congratulate us. It has been 9 1/2 months since our wedding and we have had a few people question us when/ if we are pregnant which I tend to find kind of annoying and none of their business, but most were asked nicely so it wasn't a big deal.
Then when I go to walk over to my SIL (H's brother's wife) and a family cousin, they start making remarks about me being pregnant and how have I been there for a few hours and haven't had a drink yet (they were watching me?) I explained it was hot and as I tend to pass out easily in heat I was drinking water, plus I knew it would be a late night and was waiting to start drinking. I got the "sure sure" comments from them. And they just kept giving me a hard time. I was so frustrated because I am not really a big drinker so it isn't weird for me not to be drinking, and I was wearing just a bikini walking around clearly not showing at all, so if I was it would be so early that it's so rude to try and force that information out of someone! I grabbed a beer at that point just so they would leave me alone.
But it didn't really stop then either. My SIL just kept telling other people how they thought I was and how there were rumors.... but then I had a beer.... but maybe I am just irresponsible..... WTF?
My SIL and BIL had a honeymoon baby, and that is what they wanted so good for them, but for her to put all this unwanted pressure and attention on me is so annoying. And it makes me feel like I have to watch my behavior for the next however many years and more importantly... when I do become pregnant. I wont want to share that information for the first 12 weeks at least but will she uncomfortably pressure that information out of me? And what if I can't have children... who knows...
I know after you get married you start to get these questions, but this just seemed over the top to me. Anyone else in this situation? Any suggestions?
Re: "Pregnancy Rumors" (Vent)
For my DH & I, we don't plan on having kids at all. So i just politely say oh, we aren't interested in having kids. Typically that leads to oh really, well you are young I'm sure you'll change your mind. So i just respond with maybe and leave it at that. It usually drops the conversation. They'll get the picture some day. With my mom it had gotten to the point that I had to be nasty to her because she wouldn't drop the topic, she refuses to believe that her daughter doesn't want kids and thinks there is something wrong with me.
Did you tell your DH about it? What did he say? I would just respond with, we plan on waiting alittle while before kids and there is no need to carry the conversation forward. You can still be polite while saying please butt out, LOL
BTW....Kudos to you! Work it in a bikini! LoL