Hi everyone. My divorce will be final in 4 days. I have been separated since February and was pretty unhappy for a while before. I know some other thirty-somethings that are divorced and everyone has different stories about when they started dating again. I am definitely putting myself out there. I am dating someone that wants to be very serious already and I'm thinking I already have moved too fast. I need to back down and am not sure how to tell him.
Also, I am interested in someone else who lives on the other side of the country so I can't move to quickly with another.
Thoughts? What is your dating after divorce story? I definitely am ready to date and have someone in my life, but it's so confusing.
Re: Dating after Divorce
For now, date nobody -- wait a year, like I said -- and do things that are FOR YOU. Do things you always wanted to do: start a new hobby, take a fun trip, find outside interests you always wanted to pursue but didn't have a chance to before --- maybe even further your education, for example.
Too early to start dating. Take your time when the time does come.
I do not know what the circumstances of your divorce was but I also strongly suggest a therapist. See one to get your ya yas out and to unload anything damaging that might have happened during your marriage. You need healing and you need closure. GL.
You can't wait a year???
In that year, work on your life and like I said: dedicate that year to YOU and things you want to do and would like to do, that you were not able to do before.
You can have a fantastic time in a year without dating anybody at all! Find enough things and activities and bucket list items to fill your time and life. You won't regret it.
Don't be in such a hurry. You are not truly "with" that guy; you are using him to fill a void.
If you were indeed already on your own alone you'd welcome the opportunity to do so again and build a whole new life for yourself, more or less.
Take classes, take a cool trip or 2, do things with your girlfriends, join a gym and get a personal trainer --- only a few things you can do with your life. These are all things you can do when you are single and unencumbered.
Do what feels natural and right. If you're not mourning the relationship, then do whatever. I was in long term relationships where we broke things off and I wasn't particularly sad about it; things had been on their way out for a while. It was like a distant friend unfriending me on Facebook. On the other hand, if my DH sprung a divorce on me from out of the blue tomorrow, I would be devastated, and it might take me a year... or, I might have fun and end up dating someone within a few months. Why waste EVEN MORE of my life on the wrong guy? All depends on your attitude.
If you are ready to date, but not ready for a serious relationship, be honest about it. If you really like this guy, and he really likes you, then put it to him that you really aren't ready for a serious relationship, and maybe won't be for quite a while, but that you like him and would like to continue seeing him and spending time with him provided he is willing to do so on your terms with respect to when things can get more serious in terms of commitment and moving things on from "dating" to the next stage (i.e. moving in, thinking long term etc.)
In between the time of him moving out and the divorce, I spent time a lot of time with a male friend of mine I had known since high school. We were fwb for a while but I knew I did NOT want anything serious at the time. By January 2012 we were still fwb and decided to date. So technically it was 7-8 months before we were seriously dating but we were together pretty much right away after the divorce.
Here it's 2014 and we're happily married. So it really depends all on your situation, your feelings, and the person you're seeing. I do think the fact that I knew my current husband for 13 years before we started dating helped and also the fact that I was in therapy.