Hi everyone,
I'm new to the Nest here. I have a question that I kinda already have an answer too but I need more advice on.
I'm not ready for kids. In many ways. My man isn't either. But he'll be ready sooner than me. He doesn't have the same hesitations as I do mainly because of my health issues.
So to start my story, I have major scarring and tearing inside my uterus, and that is from something I don't really want to get into. But it hasn't healed for the 5 years I've had it. Anyways, condoms irritate and pull on it, causing me to bleed a lot. It also, obviously, is very painful. After we stopped using them, I haven't been in nearly as much pain. But I always worry about getting pregnant. I'm on the pill, but I feel as if it is not as strong as it should be (they put me on a weaker medication since my migraines were being triggered by the estrogen).
I'm considering an IUD, but I'm worried that down the line, if I do want kids, I'll have trouble (more than I already will with the whole damaged uterus thing). My Dr. said it will be hard to carry a baby with the scarring and I know several people who have had IUDs and can't have kids at all.....
So I'm just looking for help on what to do. I feel as if my Dr. doesn't really care (but I can't really switch since he has been awesome with my migraines) and I can't find a gynecologist I feel comfortable around (most treat me funky since I have a strange situation).
I feel like I should just get a stronger pill and deal with the daily migraines. But I really loathe that idea
Re: Not ready for Kids, BC Options?
I don't know too much about it, but what about looking into the Nuvaring? Or do they still use diaphrams? Maybe thats a better option with your other health issues?
Have you asked the doctor if there is something you could use in conjunction with the pill if you dont feel its enough protection? Besides condoms?
I would look around for a OB/Gyn that you feel comfortable with, if you do want kids eventually you are def going to want a doctor you like. Its a pain but worth it.
I've also been reading that people experience the "Mirena Crash" after they have it removed. I'm terrified, but I'm getting it taken out next month.
But whatever you decide I hope you feel better!