I'll probably hold off of registering until the end of the month, but I'm starting to research some of the pricier items. Any input about items or gadgets that were a total waste of money? Or how about items that are definitely worth the splurge? Side note - we live in a small twin, and I hate clutter. I'm trying to minimize the big & bulky items we need to purchase.
Pack N Play - Graco has one for $99 that includes a changing table insert to use for the first couple of months. I think this would be good to keep downstairs while I recover from labor, and after that, I'm fine just changing the baby upstairs. Will I actually use a pack n play when the baby gets older?
Rock N Play - I plan on bf, so I thought this would be good to have the baby sleep in our room initially. Plus, they are pretty light so I can move it around the house or take it with us. Smart plan, or am I better off with a co-sleeper or something?
Swing - Is this a necessity?
Bob Revolution Stroller - I will probably have the baby out for runs/long walks at least 2x a week once the weather is nicer. I was planning on buying the car seat adapter to use as an infant as our primary stroller, too. Later on, I'll pick up an umbrella stroller. Is this worth the money, or am I just buying the brand name?
Re: Registry Questions
Thanks for the input ladies. Looks like a rock & play is a definite, which is good to hear because they are versatile.
Living in a small twin, I have no problem running upstairs to change him. And duh, I didn't even think about just changing him on the sofa in a pinch. I think I may bag the pnp; we can always pick up one later when he's mobile if confinement becomes a necessity. Looks like you can score a decent one for $100.
I'm going to check out some of the strollers mentioned, along with the websites.
It's a boy! I forget that I'm only friends with a handful of people on FB. We found out 3 weeks ago. I could have sworn we were having a girl.
I need to call my ins co today to find out about getting reimbursed for childbirth & bf classes we registered for. I'll bring up the breast pump, too. I'm hoping I can bf, but if it doesn't work out for me, then formula it is. At least J can be a bigger help with night time feedings
My boys lived in their swings the first 5 months. Absolutely loved it! So yeah, thats a crapshoot because everyone is different. I agree that if you have someone to lend you one or if you can buy a used one, that's ideal.
We used our pack n play only a handful of times. Definitely didn't NEED it. they came in handy for our weekend away but that was about it.
My little nuggets
Meh on the PnP
YEAH on the RnP
Borrow a swing or try to buy one from a consignment store. In my experience, the papasan style ones have better likeability among babies
Id also like to add a plug for the Baby Bjorn Babysitter. I recommend it to everyone as a nice baby seat/bouncer. You'd love it because it folds relatively flat so you can stow it under or behind furniture or slip it in a coat closet etc. Its expensive, but well worth it, especially if you have a refluxy baby like I did (twice) and having a reclined seat that they like is required if you ever want to pee alone.