Is everyone adapting? How are the kindergarteners enjoying school?
Jake's off to a bit of a rough start; he wasn't feeling too well the first day of school (complaining of a headache) then he got off the bus that afternoon looking awful. Ran a fever of 103 that night and had to stay home day 2

Went back in yesterday, complaining about having to go back in, not because he was still sick, I think he was just thrown off from being out randomly on day 2.
We had "meet the teacher" night last night, and Jake's teacher is awesome, but wow...1st grade is some serious business.
:-S I feel like I'm going to be drowning in sight words, spelling words, vocab words, memorization of math problems, etc. where is that personal assistant when I need her??
Re: So how is the school year starting out for all of the kiddos?
Dd is really enjoying kindergarten so far, but is having a hard time adjusting to the 5 full days of school. She is completely exhausted. She asked on Wednesday if she was going to get "one of those Saturday day off again".
So far the kids are happy. Heather started Monday. She loves her math teacher and her best friend is in her class. I ran into her Reading/Homeroom teacher on Tuesday night and she had delightful things to say about having her in class. She can't wait for gifted to start next week and she hasn't had much homework yet.
Todd didn't have much to say about his first day yesterday. He has a friend in his class and he's definitely comfortable at before and after care. He didn't have much else to tell us, though he say his first day was "good".
He chose Mad Mex for his celebratory dinner. Mmmmmmm!
DD doesn't start until Tuesday and while she was previously excited, as it gets closer, she doesn't want to talk about it and says she doesn't want to go :-/. I'm thinking it's just nerves but I really do feel she will love it.
At the very least at orientation we found out that a friend of hers from her old daycare is in her class, as well as a little boy from her preschool.
We are finishing up the first full week ourselves (they actually started last week, though, and put in 2.5 days). Conall was definitely tired this morning, but he seems to be liking preK-4 at Gavin's school (it's full day, 5 days a week). I asked him yesterday who he plays with at playground time, and he replied with "My dudes". Ok.....!
Gavin likes 2nd grade, but it's a pretty aggressive curriculum, I think. It's going to take a couple of weeks to get into a rhythm, but we'll figure it out!
My three sons!
Emmy, I am sorry to hear Jake got sick! I hope it doesn't run through the whole family! (oh and I finally got that thing off of Brett! thanks again.)
haha, sure! glad it made it back to you. The illness started with Liam last week, spread to Jake, and now I'm not feeling all that great. though no fever yet, I've just had a massive headache since this morning, my glands are swollen, etc. I'm really hoping it's not related and that I am better by tomorrow for the long weekend!!!
Jake - 1.15.08
Liam - 5.17.11
Jake - 1.15.08
Liam - 5.17.11
I am bribing her with Frozen school stuff so I hope that works for a happy first day!
Caileigh = 3rd grade LOVES school. She does really well without much effort so the "threat" of lots of homework this year has her very excited. We do "rose & thorn" at dinner and her rose was being at school and every part of it. She loves that she has BOOKs to take home this year, that she gets to cover her books, she was the first class in the library so EVERY SINGLE BOOK WAS THERE for their choosing, etc. etc... Her thorn was that the day ended. I could go on.
Keira - well she likes riding the bus. And she likes wearing her socks that go up to her knee. Doesn't really know her classmates names & doesn't seem to care to ask. Seems to like it but not like her older sister did when she was her age. Caileigh came home from kindergarten and set up her own classroom at home & played school Keira likes her leap pad.
We have a couple assignments to do in the next week and I have a feeling getting her to do them will be a struggle.
How time flies! Caileigh (9), Keira (6) & Eamon (3)
Mason did great! He started last Wednesday and was so excited to go to school and ride the bus. He was still excited about going today.
I didn't handle it well at all. As soon as the bus pulled away, I lost it. I cried the whole walk home, and most of the day. On Thursday, I did great, until Garrett started crying, saying "Mason, come back! I want to go with you!". By Friday, we all did okay, yay!
Also, when I was waiting for Mason at the bus stop that afternoon, he didn't get off the bus. The bus driver was calling his name, and he still wasn't getting off. I had to go on the bus and find him. I started to panic that he got on the wrong bus, but he was just busy talking and not paying attention. LOL