Pittsburgh Nesties
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We are very excited (as we would have been either way...but I think deep down I really wanted a girl.)
But, if you could keep Baby in your thoughts and prayers, I'd appreciate it. I got a call last night that she is measuring small. (10 Days behind my due date, which I am reasonably sure is correct, if it was not a little late already due to early O.) Her head and abdomen measurements are only 10th percentile and 3rd percentile.
The rational part of my brain knows that ultrasounds can be off (they told me DS was a full pound heaver than he was the day before he was born) and baby wasn't in the best position for some pics (heart), so that leads me to believe other measurements could be off, too. Or, baby could just be small. DS was only 7lbs 12oz at 10 days late, so he wasn't super tiny, but not huge by any means. I still feel her moving around the same as I always have, etc.
But, the irrational part of me was dumb, and Googled, and then freaked myself out. (Chromosomal Abnormality, Toxoplasmosis, Infection, Placenta issues....)
Trying to keep my head on straight, but sometimes that doesn't work super well. 
"> I have a another ultrasound next Wednesday, and then a doctor's appt. on Thurs to see the results. So, I'm just hoping the next 7 days go fast.
Re: My turn....it's a.....
Ditto the others...step away from Google! (Which, as someone with their Google M.D., I know is impossible!) Try not to focus on the what if's. I will keep your baby girl in my thoughts and prayers!
And as my pedi told me when I was concerned about DD being on the small side, "Someone has to be at the top of the percentile and someone has to be at the bottom."
I hope that her small size is of no concern, and that your next u/s clears up any doubt on the issue. The internets are hard to avoid when it makes access to info so easy, but our minds can jump to the scariest places so easily. Try to relax until you get real information from your doctors (easier said than done, I know).
Thanks for the encouragement, though! I so appreciate it.
And, I definitely hit the clearance rack at Marshall's today. :-D Got 5 onsies for $6.00.
YAY!!! A wee baby girl! Now I get to buy something girlie! lol
Hugs, prayers, and Finger locks so that you don't google anything in the next 7 days.
My three sons!
I wouldn't worry until the doctor says to worry, which I know is much easier said than done. But stay away from Dr Google! All that will do is cause stress!
Jake - 1.15.08
Liam - 5.17.11
(Why is it always so much easier to be reasonable when you're not the one involved!?!?!)