Two news stories for your consideration...
The first is about a freshman college student shot 8 times while sitting at a red light in his car waiting for the light to change. This occurred in June of this year. The man who killed him is suspected of being a militant, Islamic jihadist. This shooting occurred RIGHT HERE on U.S. soil. This killer and/or others like him, are also suspected of murdering 3 other Americans in Washington State. Why? Anger over Iraq and Afganistan.
The next article is about the Australian government foiling an ISIS plot to randomly kidnap citizens and behead them "publically" (on video). Thankfully, this plot was stopped. But, this happened in Australia, which in many ways is like the U.S.. This means that ISIS terror cells are already in place in Australia ready to act...are we naïve enough to think that ISIS cells aren't already here in the U.S. waiting for a "go" to act here also?
A few weeks ago, another Nest poster here on this Board asked if anyone thought if beheadings could ever occur in the U.S.. I'm changing my opinion from, "I'd hope not," to "yes, I think so," in light of the shootings and this foiled beheading plot.
On a more personal note, my MIL received word from her missionary friends in the Middle East to please pray for the families. ISIS is capturing towns and in at least one town where these Christian aid groups are located, ISIS went systematically through it to each home, asked the KIDS to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ. No child did and the ISIS militants killed them on the spot, in front of the parents, leaving the parents alive.
The beheadings of the Western journalists and the other man, are but warning shots across the bow. Whether you want to admit it or not, we are at war. At least our enemy thinks so. Jihad = Holy War. If the enemy has infiltrated Australia, you know they're here too.
Re: In case you missed it...