Hello! I just got married this past Saturday (Oct. 4th)
I've been a lurker on the Nest for the past few weeks as I've been transitioning into married life. Now I can finally join in!
DH moved in with me a few weeks before the wedding, so now we're trying how to fit all our stuff into my small apartment. I'm in the middle of thank you notes, name changes, etc. It's pretty stressful! Any advice for merging our two lives?
DH is in Human Resources, and I'm in Finance & Data Analysis. We live in Texas. DH is 23 and I'm 25. We will be TTA and living child-free for probably 3-5 years until we might start TTC.
DH and I both have a lot of hobbies we're involved in separately, which have been on hold during engagement. I'm excited to get back into those things. I love sewing/crafting and DH loves sports/video games. We also want to find married couples to be friends with and volunteering opportunities. We are new in our city, so we don't know very many people or have any friends. So, hopefully we can meet new friends soon!
Re: New- Intro