Hi Ladies
Before we were ready (Ie when we were students, not married, didn't own our home etc etc) I am sure I did have baby on the brain. I think it was more of a one day (when we are ready) a baby would be lovely, kind of thing.
Then we started working, got married, bought our home.....if we had a baby now it would be ok, socially acceptable, financially supported and of course loved. But now that we are in that place I really don't want children yet.
Out of our close friends we were the first to tie the knot. Everyone assumed we would be the first to have children, or at least close to first. Now all of them are having children, three couples are now on their second! We keep in touch with our friends with babies, and love spending time with them and their kiddies.
But when we leave, or they leave, we both look and each other and go 'so and so is so cute/playful/fun but.....nah!". neither of us are getting that 'feeling'.
Pretty much everytime we see friends with children (or the in laws who are pushy!) we always talk about it afterwards. For all the love and fun that children bring, we can't help see the negatives.
- less sleep
- one of us has to work less.
- less disposal income
- inability to do diy (which we love doing, but lets face it when babies/toddlers are around one of you has to ensure the children are safe and happy!)
- less travelling
- children are messy (we are just getting our home how we like it, with nice 'things'. we don't want to spend our time tidying up or having things broken
- the tantrums
Hubby said the other day that he just doesn't think he has the patience to having someone so dependent on him all the time.
I am not sure whether any of these thoughts will ever change and as time ticks on though i do worry whether we will ever 'feel it' (i.e. broodiness!). and whether we get to our 40s/50s and regret not having children.
Personally I am happy with my cats right now.
They are cute, cuddly and give loads of affection. Yet I can feed them quickly and leave them alone the majority of the day without a worry (well maybe i worry a little if they don't come in for their tea!)
Re: bnotb....will it ever be....
We have a home, a cat and a dog, a Harley that we take trips on. We are very happy with where are life is at this moment and i cant even envision us bringing kids into the picture.
People don't seem to understand that i don't hate kids, they are cute and fun to play with but at the end of the day i want to go home to just my husband and my furbabies. I agree with your husband, I don't think i have the patience to have someone be dependent on me like that, my own DH is more than enough! LOL
Nothing wrong with that. I adore children. But I can write a book of 1000 reasons why I don't want to have any. Mess, noise and lack of freedom to do what WE want are right up there at the top of the list.
I think it's good for those who don't have any, as opposed to having them JUST because everyone else expects them to!