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Pet death and kids (and dh!)
I updated my pet post that we put our cat to sleep yesterday.
Anyone go through this with their kids and any advice? Dd got to see her yesterday beforehand and we took pictures and videos. We put her to sleep without dd there and told her later at home. She wanted to see her so we let her see the body. The "cascket" was like a white cardboard box so she decorated the lid. Then we all went out to bury her. Before bed we looked through old pictures which she cried through but didn't want to stop.
Today I just couldn't make her go to school. so she and I are staying home and just vegging out watching tv.
Anything else I should do for her? A couple years ago my parents dog died so she has had a little exposure to this and we have already had death talks about that in the past.
And how have your DH's been with pet deaths? I'm really taken aback by dh's reaction. He is very upset...his reaction is way more extreme than I would have expected. Not sure what to do honestly. This was our first pet as adults and so first death of "our own" pet. As well as is having to be the ones to make the decision vs her just dying on her own. So it's definitely hard and first experience on this side but still I'm concerned about him.

Re: Pet death and kids (and dh!)
I don't think your DH's reaction is extreme. It is still so recent, I am sure given some time the hurt will fade and he too will have his heart healed.
As for your DH, I’ll just tell you a story about mine. He’s not an emotional person. I’ve seen him cry three times in the 15 years we’ve been together. For the deaths of his dad and his two cats. And quite frankly he cried hardest for the cat he had gotten as a kitten. His college roommate’s cat had kittens, so he had been best buddies with this cat almost literally since the day she was born. She died suddenly and he was the saddest I’ve ever seen him. But the worst of it was the first 12-24 hours.
Hugs to all three of you!
I know you have other pets at home. Having another dog still after we lost Luther was actually a blessing. It gave us a pet to nurture and explain to DS that she was grieving, too, and really needed our love and support. It gave all three of us something to focus on when we felt lost without Luther.
Overall, the three of us were just a huge mess over the death. Luther was with us for over 10 years so DH and I still mention him a lot, just because he was a part of so much. But it's still hard for DS and when the dog's name comes up, he will usually say "I told you, I don't want to be reminded of that!" So it may take a long time...
Edited to add - I'm very sorry about your loss. You're a great parent for being so concerned about your DD!
I think what you're doing for your DD is just right. Remembering, being sad, and being joyful at the memories, all at the same time. That's grief...the blend of sorrow and joy (not happy that the pet/person is gone, but glad for the memories and experiences). I think it's good to have a day of "self care" just cuddling, answering questions, and acknowledging that it is hard to say goodbye.
And you're poor DH. I think it is sometimes harder for adults because we see the nuances and feel the weight of decisions in ways that children don't. And, as Kris said, every death is different - some we see coming, some we don't, sometimes its a peaceful goodbye, sometimes its traumatic, etc. That doesn't make it easier or harder, just different.
And, of course, we all deal differently. Sometimes we want to constantly be reminded of our loved one/pet, and sometimes, like SundayGirl's LO, we find it easier not to think about it. And, I think our perspective on that changes every day! Sometimes I want to feel surrounded by those who have gone on before me. Sometimes I don't want to open that door!
One thing I heard in a seminar on funerals/funeral planning/grief, etc. really made sense to me and made me think of grief a little differently. A counselor said that every time we experience loss, we grieve not only that loss, but all of the loss we've experienced before, too. That made a lot of sense to me. So, not only is your DH sad about the loss of your cat, but he's probably also thinking of other pets he's said goodbye to, and probably people, too. I think that this is why funerals are difficult, even for people that we're not very close to....because we know the pain of loss, and we're reminded of that pain, even if the deceased was not our pet/parent/dear friend. (I think of funerals that have left me in tears even though I've never met the person who has died...my heart breaks for their loved one who IS my friend or family, because I "know"/can imagine the depth of pain that they are experiencing, and have been there before.)
Plus, I think anytime we experience loss there is a bit of fear that others we love will die, too.
I am so sorry for your loss. Grief is hard. Be gentle with your DD, DH, and yourself over the coming days and weeks. Hugs to you all!
She also started asking for another cat almost immediately. I think that was her way of dealing and trying to fill the void.
I will say though, that her favorite show is "The Incredible Dr. Pol" which is a vet show. It's pretty graphic and there are many instances where the pets/animals pass away or need to be put to sleep, so we've had many conversations about pets being sick/dying. I think that really helped her a lot--but I wouldn't recommend starting to watch that now while your family's heart is still hurting.
I'm sorry, April. That is such a hard situation. We had to put one of our dogs down in December 2012 because of bone cancer. We did like you did - we spent the couple of days before taking photos/being with him & talked to DD and explained that he was going to be going to Heaven soon. We took her to my parents & let her spend time with them while we went to the vet. She didn't seem all that upset by things, so that worried me a little. We bought a book called "Dog Heaven" that we read with her that night.
DH doesn't seem to react to anything like that, and I'd almost wish I had seen some sort of emotion. Sure, he was sad - but I was literally bawling for 2 days about it. I guess maybe we were both a little bit on opposite extremes.
DD still talks about our dog and says she misses him, and I'm glad she remembers him.
Dh seems to be doing better so I'm not so worried! And dd is doing ok. Val, I got her the Cat Heaven book last week. Sweet book.