So every year we let Santa bring the big gift. Last year was an american girl doll, and years past it was stuff like the kitchen set, "princesses in a jar" which is what a 3 year old EJ seemed to need and I had to invent. Anyway... big gift is from Santa.
This year I have gathered a collection of smaller things, Anna and Elsa barbie sized dolls, spirograph, fashion plates, a puzzle, some American Girl accessories and pony from that Today show sale. But nothing is really from her wish list. More or less crap I thought she would like and keep her busy with two babies in the house. Something may be put aside for when the twins are born and be from them.
Here is my dilemma, her Santa list sucks. hahaha. The one big reoccuring thing is the most awful thing ever. A $100 American girl chair. (Julie's egg chair). Um. No. Oh and now I see it is backordered until March (WTFing all the people who did find it to be worth the money)

So I don't know what to get her from Santa!!! I could go the easy way and get her one of those "My American Girl" dolls that looks like her, or a bigger Lego set. I don't think she would be disappointed with either. But even still, I am over thinking this I guess. stupid egg chair.
I guess I don't have any question... but at the same time am waiting to be struck by something that will really excite her. And I can't. darn spoiled only child... hehehe
Re: The Santa gift
This year H asked for a dollhouse and T asked for a sled, so it is clear what will be from Santa.
Personally, I would go with the big lego set because it would keep my kids busy for longer and it is something I could enjoy, too.
Amy, my only hesitation with the Lego set is that she has two bins full of legos already and while they get played with it is more with creative building and I am not sure more sets would change or improve that situation. again, overthinking!
1. Wish-granting machine
2. Pez
The Pez is an annual thing and I've got it covered. The other...
As far as the chair...that is pretty crazy! Could you steer her to other things? Since it's back ordered anyways, tell her it isn't available. When did requests really hard things I will tell her that's a really hard item to get so I don't know if Santa can bring that. Ask her if there is something else she wants...look at other doll chairs, etc. have her look at the my American girl dolls and just see if she likes those? Or look at the bigger lego set at the store. I would just say how cool it is and see what she says...if she likes it I would ask if she wants to add it to her list.
Otherwise Id just do some of the bigger items you got (like AG horse) from Santa and some of the smaller items off her list. I'm sure she will still love it!
Dd has a million weird little things she wants but she is getting the AG doll and other items that I'm sure she will love but she hasn't specifically requested. I haven't actually had her write down an actual list yet though.
I'm not sure why you're messing around on the computer, it sounds like you need to get to work on developing that machine...
Jake - 1.15.08
Liam - 5.17.11
You're welcome.
You're welcome.
Hahaha! With that $9k you could just make yourself the wish granters and grant a lot of wishes!
Because sometimes Santa gets you the gifts the things he thinks you'll love the most, which isn't always the same as what you ask for. :-P
Last year she asked for something--I don't even remember what it was, probably something frozen that she didn't get. I was afraid that she was going to be disappointed, but as we were walking to church she made mention of the thing she didn't get and went on to say that she had a lot on her list and maybe that was the ONLY thing on another little girl's list. Point being, they're gifts, get her what you think she will like, enjoy, without over thinking it, and come Christmas morning it is unlikely she will be disappointed by anything.
DD doesn't really play with dolls beyond Barbies, but are there other more useful, less outrageously priced American Girl finds that you think she'll love?