Hello everyone --
I am new here, but have been 'in the background' a bit just reading others' issues and all of the advice, etc. I love all of the support I am seeing, and I feel like this may help me air out some issues and get much needed advice.
So, a little bit of background on SO and I. We were married 3 years ago, together 1 year before that. I met him at my previous job, and we really hit it off - things were great, he was amazing - so supportive, nice, caring, all of the above. He went above and beyond for me anytime he could. I fell head over heels for this man.
My family was a tad hesitant, as he is 19 years my senior. Initially, I would have never guessed he was that much older than me. He was fun, outgoing, spontaneous, had a great career and was stable. Everything I wanted in a man. He eventually convinced my family he was everything that I saw in him.
I got pregnant almost a year into our relationship. We were married a few months later. It wasn't frilly and unexpected, but I felt like it was the best decision we could make. It went very well, the wedding was beautiful for being thrown together in a few weeks. I was very happy.
Then it changed.
I feel like he was a different man after we got married. He stopped being spontaneous. He stopped talking to me as much. It was like everything just did that. Stopped. Me being pregnant, I thought it was just my emotions playing a part in it. My best friend, who I talk to every day, has always told me it was him - that he was never who I fell in love with. She saw something "change" in him. I would talk to him too, not just her. He would always say "stress at work", "stressed about money", etc. So, I'd try to help as much as I could, but it would just continue like this. Like a cycle of ups and downs.
(*Sorry if this is jumbled at all, it's difficult for me to convey these things sometimes)
Anyway, our son was born. This was a difficult time for me. I had postpartum depression, I felt so sad and scared. He was not much help to me during the first months of his life. He didn't know how to help, he didn't know what to do. He would take him for a few hours at night so I could sleep, then I had him the rest of the time while he went to work, etc. It has since gotten much better, but I still struggle with anxiety and depression. I wasn't necessarily ready to be a mom, but who is?! Being a SAHM was hard on me at first as well. I still struggle with it. I love it, and I love being there for my son every step of the way. But I feel like I lost my identity.
Which brings me to issue number 1. -- My husband makes me feel guilty for going out.
I have one true friend that I spend time with - and my mom. He says he doesn't care, but he makes me feel guilty any time I go away on my own. If he stays with the baby (now 2.5), it's like he has an upper hand on me for awhile. My husband works a lot, and every time I ask to go out or have a break, he always brings that up. He says he has things he needs to do, and when he gets time away from work, I always ask for something and he never gets to do anything on his "list". This is not true.. I maybe go out alone once or twice a month. Seriously, it's never more than 3-4 hours either. Never an all day excursion. I don't take up tons of time "going out", and he always has time to do other things when I get back or I try to make it so he can do things before I go, etc.
My second main issue is that he expects SO much from me.
He says he doesn't, but this is probably the biggest culprit for our many fights. I ask him all of the time - is there anything I can help with? Anything I can do for you? -- I cook, I clean the house, do laundry, I take care of our son all day. This is what I consider my "job" as a wife. We set it up that way - he goes to work, comes home and works on outside "stuff", and other manly chores.
Well, we have come to the point where he gets stressed at work, comes home, then takes it out on me. He says I don't do enough here, says I don't help him with his "list" -- I really don't even know what his list consists of! It's usually things I just don't do, which makes him angry at me. He told me there should never be anything "I just don't do". Examples of things he wants me to do - measure, and go get quotes for cabinets for the kitchen. Get quotes and talk to a contractor about our home remodel and addition. I tell him I don't feel comfortable doing some of these things, and that upsets him. I will call a contractor, but I want my husband here when they come here. He doesn't see that as a big deal.
Another issue - he doesn't compromise.
Example - I would love to list our home for sale. I know many things come with listing a home, and I know it is a lot of work. My husband owned this house before we met, and he made it into a "bachelor pad". Thinking he would never get married again, he remodeled it as a one bedroom loft house. It has one bathroom with a shower. It is gorgeous on the inside, but it is very small and cramped. There are toys everywhere. My son loves baths, and takes one in a small tub I bought on Amazon. He barely fits anymore. I've asked my husband if we can add a tub, and he tells me "when we put on the addition". I don't feel like and addition will take away the problems this home has.. I know it will help with our space issue, but there are other reasons I want to list. There are about 40 steps down to our home. We live on a small lake, and sit in a sort of "bowl". So, we have no garage, we park up a hill and walk down said 40 steps to our house. My son, groceries, anything we buy, have all come or fallen down those steps more than once. I despise them. Our lot is small, and doesn't allow for a garage to be built. We are planning for a driveway down the side of our house, but it is quite steep. When the 2 story addition (which will add a 4 season room and a master bedroom) is built, it will take out another good chunk of our already small yard. My husband is just so in love with the lake, this house, he does not want to move or consider moving. I've tried so hard to see the good in this house, and it is cute and I do like it but it isn't functional for us as a family. My husband refuses to see that. There is more to this (money/costs, etc), but I will stop here with this one.
The last issue I will tell you about is this. I feel like he's just mean. A lot.
I feel like I ask him "what's wrong?" a lot. I feel like I've been supportive of him. Maybe I haven't been enough for him? I don't know for sure. Anyway, he doesn't say nice things to me. When we fight, he's called me names. He's thrown things, gotten in my face. He has never hit me, but he looks at me with a disgust at times. A look I just can't unsee. My best friend tells me she thinks it's just him, that he's just a dick.. Always has been, always will be. I'm starting to feel like this may be true. I have asked him if he knows he acts this way, or if he realizes he's being an ass and he says "yes", like he's proud. The last few times we have fought, it ends in me screaming at him and crying. I just am fed up with his unwillingness to see what I see. I've told him that I think we need to see a counselor - and I'm actually going to one this week, just for me though. I want to try, and I feel like that's all I've been doing since we got married. Him on the other hand? I barely get anything from him. He's affectionate, but not too often. Our sex life is basically nonexistent. I'm young, and I want it a lot. He used to.. and now I'm just thinking it's the age difference? Maybe I expect too much? I don't know. I feel like I'm just old and worn down, and I am only 24.
I have so much more to say,/more examples, etc. but I will leave it at this for now. I'm interested to see what you ladies (and men) have to say about this.
What do you think, what would you do?
Re: I am new here, need some advice.
I feel like I stay because he keeps giving me hope that it will change.
He makes me feel like it isn't a huge deal when we fight - when really, it is. We argue and fight a lot, and it isn't fair to him or I - and most of all, it is not fair to our son. I've tried leaving the house before (twice) during a fight, and he stopped me both times. I was in the car one of the times, and he got in the passenger seat and wouldn't allow me to go. He tries to take our son away from me as well, basically every time we fight. This makes me more upset.
I feel like we are in different spots in our lives, but he makes it seem as though he is right on the same page with me. He's always made me feel that way, but then these things (that I wrote about) happen. It makes me sad, because when we first started dating he asked me if I thought I was going to 'miss out' by dating an older man. I said yes, that I was a little hesitant and fearful that I would. He reassured me over and over that I wouldn't, that he'd support me in any way he could. He made me believe that this was true, and now I sit here and am saddened that I do feel like I've missed out on a lot.
He was married once before. They were together 7 years and only married less than a year. He says it ended because she found someone else and moved on. I'm starting to think that may not have been the only thing going on... If he treats me this way, I'm sure he did the same to her and found her 'out'. I'll never know.
He can't stand with you when there is a crisis -- that makes him undependable --- and he is calling all of the shots.He also calls you names and is mean to you ---for that, get rid of him pronto.
Leave when he is gone for work --- go elsewhere and secure your assets. Make sure he cannot get your money or anything else of value that you own.
Get your financial ducks in a row and do that tomorrow. Then leave and then file for divorce. Do not stay with him one minute longer.
As for the calling names/ etc.-- He does not do this every day. When we fight, he tends to, yes. I feel like it's out of anger. And I do this sometimes too, I call him an "asshole" or "dick".. but usually, it's because I am incredibly angry with him and it just comes out. Is it right? No, I shouldn't name call either. No excuses. I'm working on that too.
It's not that I don't want to hear it, it's just difficult to hear that he could hit me. He never seemed like that type of person before we were married, but we weren't together too long before marriage either. I guess I really don't know what he is capable of.
I think he is a control freak and he is trying to control you in every way. Don't let him do that to you, with him getting in your face he is abusing you because that is a form of intimidation. He does that to get you to back off and let him take over. That is what abusers do, they think that by intimidating you they can take full control of you and you will back down.
Do not let your son grow up seeing this behavior, he has already seen too much with the two of you yelling and him pulling him out of your arms. As a person that grew up in a household like this I'm telling you that it is not fun at all for the children, they can become either aggressive or withdrawn because of the fear that behavior puts on them. Your child will feel helpless, not knowing what to do to make it stop and will feel guilty because he can't help.
So if not for you, leave him for your son.
However, if my husband was screaming and angry and going out in the car to go cool off I wouldn't want the kids driving around with him in that state either.
1st off - why are you fighting in front of your child? I get that it is a small house but surely you can see the pattern here? You fight, and your husband removes the child from the fight. Your son doesn't need to see you two screaming at each other.
As for some other things - yeah. When people told you that marrying a guy 19 years your senior wasn't going to work out, they were probably right. You two have different priorities and are in different stages of your lives.
But some other things kind of stuck out in your post:
You said he was no help when you had a baby, but he would go to work all day to provide for the family as well as stay up chunks of the night so you could sleep. I'm not sure what more you expected? It's not like you were a single parent, you were even getting good chunks of sleep.
You went through PPD, which is common. That's not necessarily a reflection on your husband.
You say that he won't compromise, and the example you give is MOVING. That's not a compromise - that's you demanding that the family move. A compromise is... putting a two story extension on the house and remodeling it to fit your needs, even though as you had said he had made it into a home he loved already. So he IS compromising.
And the location of the house sounds wonderful and I can certainly imagine why he loves it. Before you got married did you decide to move? Or did you let him think that you would be living in that house that he loves on the lake that he loves forever, maybe putting on extensions?
You then say things like the house remodeling never gets done, but you won't do something as simple as meeting with a contractor to actually get it done. Why do you need your husband there to do that? I can see how he would find it frustrating that you are home and available but won't take out a measuring tape or let a contractor in without him having to take time off work (granted, he could just measure the cabinets when he's home or something) - but maybe he is feeling like you could be more helpful and more of a team player or something.
You have to admit that you fight pretty dirty as well - the whole cutting down communication even when he's still talking to you, holding your son and threatening to leave (seriously, how often do you do this?), screaming, calling him a dick and an asshole, taking off angrily in the car...
FYI: these things are not normal. There's no excuse for it. A counselor can help you to learn how to better communicate, even in a fight. This will help you in life whether or not you stay with this guy.
I don't know. Some of it seems fairly manipulative but you kind of seem so too. Especially with the house in you wanting to 'just list it'. You know, the home he loves. That's not a compromise. A compromise is what it sounds like he is trying to do with the house extension, that you won't help with.
I'm not making excuses for him. I'm just thinking that if you looked at these things from what his perspective might be it could help you to figure out what's really going on, and what you are going to do about it.
Chronically hilarious - you'll split your stitches!
I wrote a book! Bucket list CHECK!
hiljoys22 said:
I don't know. Some of the things you are saying about him kind of make sense. We are only getting your side.However, if my husband was screaming and angry and going out in the car to go cool off I wouldn't want the kids driving around with him in that state either.
1st off - why are you fighting in front of your child? I get that it is a small house but surely you can see the pattern here? You fight, and your husband removes the child from the fight. Your son doesn't need to see you two screaming at each other.
As for some other things - yeah. When people told you that marrying a guy 19 years your senior wasn't going to work out, they were probably right. You two have different priorities and are in different stages of your lives.
But some other things kind of stuck out in your post:
You said he was no help when you had a baby, but he would go to work all day to provide for the family as well as stay up chunks of the night so you could sleep. I'm not sure what more you expected? It's not like you were a single parent, you were even getting good chunks of sleep.
You went through PPD, which is common. That's not necessarily a reflection on your husband.
You say that he won't compromise, and the example you give is MOVING. That's not a compromise - that's you demanding that the family move. A compromise is... putting a two story extension on the house and remodeling it to fit your needs, even though as you had said he had made it into a home he loved already. So he IS compromising.
And the location of the house sounds wonderful and I can certainly imagine why he loves it. Before you got married did you decide to move? Or did you let him think that you would be living in that house that he loves on the lake that he loves forever, maybe putting on extensions?
You then say things like the house remodeling never gets done, but you won't do something as simple as meeting with a contractor to actually get it done. Why do you need your husband there to do that? I can see how he would find it frustrating that you are home and available but won't take out a measuring tape or let a contractor in without him having to take time off work (granted, he could just measure the cabinets when he's home or something) - but maybe he is feeling like you could be more helpful and more of a team player or something.
You have to admit that you fight pretty dirty as well - the whole cutting down communication even when he's still talking to you, holding your son and threatening to leave (seriously, how often do you do this?), screaming, calling him a dick and an asshole, taking off angrily in the car...
FYI: these things are not normal. There's no excuse for it. A counselor can help you to learn how to better communicate, even in a fight. This will help you in life whether or not you stay with this guy.
I don't know. Some of it seems fairly manipulative but you kind of seem so too. Especially with the house in you wanting to 'just list it'. You know, the home he loves. That's not a compromise. A compromise is what it sounds like he is trying to do with the house extension, that you won't help with.
I'm not making excuses for him. I'm just thinking that if you looked at these things from what his perspective might be it could help you to figure out what's really going on, and what you are going to do about it.
I know I'm a little late to the party, but thanks @CandaceLafleur for playing a bit of devil's advocate. I had a similar reaction you did reading the posts. As is usually the case, there is wrong/misunderstanding on both sides.
Your H came with a lot of baggage. That is hard to deal with. There are serious red flags and flaws in the way he treats you, very true. My "armchair psychologist" guess on is there hope? Unfortunately, probably not. As a lot of peeps pointed out, you are now seeing the man he really is. And it sounds like THAT man makes you sad and very unhappy. Can you all work on the problems and fix/change them. Absolutely, but it will take a lot of work and desire to change on both sides. He needs to see the problems, too, and want to change them. It doesn't sound like he is there.
But I also view some of the things you (and some of the PPs) point out as horrible, as understandable and reasonable. For example, you absolutely, positively should NOT be driving with your son when you are angry, upset, and distracted. You really shouldn't be driving at all in that condition. You said you know your son is safe with his father, so I'm not even sure why you felt the need to try and take him in those situations anyway. I'm not saying your H should "rip him out of your arms", but maybe it plain came out of fear and concern for your son's safety. Granted, if it were me, I would first beg my DH not take our hypothetical child in the car with him while he was upset. To please just leave him in his crib/bed. But if that didn't work, I'd snatch my child out of my H's arms also.
As an aside, this is an extra sensitive issue for me. I just had friend's friend go tearing off in his truck, because him and his wife had just been majorly fighting and he needed to blow off steam. He didn't even make it one mile before he hit a brick wall, careened off that, and rolled into a ditch. Luckily, no one else was hurt in his stupidity. But he is extremely lucky to be alive. He was in a coma for three weeks and broke many bones, including some in his back. Everyone knows not to drive drunk, but driving angry/distracted or tired are almost as deadly.
I very much get you don't like the 40 downward steps to get to your house, especially since the grocery shopping and childcare falls on you. I personally would never buy a house with that many steps, just for that reason. And that the current layout is terrible for a family. But this house, that you knew your H loves, was always part of the package. And the fact that he wants to at least build an addition to make the house more suitable for a family, sounds like a great compromise and a loving gesture to me.
You also complained he didn't know how to help and didn't know what to do during your PP depression. And, while I certainly agree it was disappointing he wasn't more comforting at this time, I saw this exactly the way you wrote it. It wasn't that he didn't care or didn't want to help you, he just didn't know how. And, in a broader sense, I think a lot of us are guilty of that. If my H developed depression, my feelings would be that I'd move heaven and earth to help him, but my reality would be that I'd be pretty lost and wouldn't know what to do.
And please don't take my post like I'm trying to push you down or say you're the one at fault. I'm not at all. I just want to point out how some of the things you mentioned can be looked at from a different perspective.