Pittsburgh Nesties
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Any advice? Dd is almost 7 and keeps having accidents. Much like everything with dd she is just plain difficult. She is stubborn and just doesn't like going potty so she doesn't and has accidents. Never huge ones like puddles on the ground but enough she should change underwear. But many times she doesn't and will sit around in them. She just doesn't care! We have been dealing with this for an obscene amount of time since she PTed before she was 3!! I seriously could lose my mind because of this!
I don't want to do more reward charts. We've talked to her pedi and she agrees she is just stubborn but had no suggestions.
I don't know what to do. I feel bad making her feel bad about it but it's so frustrating and I want it to stop! But if she knows I get mad about it then she tries to hide it. But rewarding not having accidents is annoying quite frankly at this age! And hard to really know because again she will hide it. Should I punish for accidents?
She has been embarrassed at after school because a friend told other kids she had an accident but it didn't really change things. I worry she will really get made fun of at some point and kids won't forget!! Luckily she usually is able to keep it quiet because they aren't huge accidents but I'm not sure that will always be the case.
Today I pick her up and she is on the playground and when we go to leave she asks to change her underwear. Her underwear and cartwheel shorts were pretty wet yet she would have stayed like that until who knows when! And the only reason her accidents aren't super obvious is she always wears dresses!

Re: Older kids and accidents
If she continues to have accidents, the consequence will be that she will have to work to hide it and her classmates may find out. Another consequence is that she may get uncomfortable being in wet underwear and her vulva may hurt. You can certainly point out these consequences when she tells you that she had an accident. But if it is truly just stubbornness, I don't think that this is an issue you can fix with parental pressure. My stubborn kids generally react better to light pressure and talking about consequences calmly rather than trying to force behaviors out of them.