Hi all, looking for some words of wisdom from any ladies who have found themselves in a similar situation.
My husband and I have been together for 10 years, married and living together for just under 2 of those years. Being together for so long, we have clearly run out of things to talk about. We have completely different jobs, don't share a ton of similar interests, but get along very well and always have a good time with each other, and until a few months ago, had what I would consider a good sex life (about once a week). I have noticed that my husband had been treating me like on of his buddies, I would bring it up to him and he would tell me that I was being silly, and that just because he doesn't always have news to tell me, or doesn't always want to cuddle doesn't mean he doesn't love me. Well, turns out he indeed has fallen out of love with me and decided to tell me about 2 weeks ago that he just doesn't have any feelings for me. He has said that he is unhappy with our marriage, claims to have no complaints about me as a person or wife, but does find every thing I do to be annoying - because he has let this feeling fester instead of him for a while now and I'm sure is harboring some resentment - which is will not confess to me. He's an awful communicator, by the way.
So, naturally my first reaction was not good. Lots of sadness, lots of crying, lots of asking why, but he has no answers for me, just continues to say "I wish it was the way it was before" and doesn't have much hope or desire to get back to that point. I have asked him to try some things (everything from doing new exciting things with me to get the "spark" back, writing out what he is grateful for, contemplating if there is another area in his life that is also bothering him, have even asked if he wanted to take a break from each other), he refuses to do any of them. I have asked him to speak to someone other than me about it, but he is not comfortable doing that either. I am trying to keep strong, give him space, and not do anything that will annoy him (even though he doesn't tell me what exactly annoys him, it seems to just be everything). But, I am getting very, very frustrated and now angry with him for not trying to work towards putting us back together.
With all that said... help! Has anyone been in this situation or have any advice on how I should handle this? I love him with everything I've got, this is all I think about and I just want to make him realize that he didn't stick it out for 10 years with someone he didn't love - something he seems to have forgotten.
Re: Not-so-newlywed, husband is over it..
I'm really sorry that you are going through this, it is very hard. Sometimes when you have been together for a long time you tend to get on each other's nerves. I have been with my husband for 6 years now and for 6 years the first time we were married (we were divorced for 8 yrs) and I can tell you from experience that last year I felt as if I didn't love him anymore, everything little thing he did bothered me and I would get annoyed just looking at him. He noticed and became distant and started hanging out more with his brother and was hardly at home and then I missed him and noticed that I was acting that way because I was stressed at work and was stressed with my family and in some way was taking it out on him. When I saw that I was losing him I snapped right back into gear and put my relationship back together because I really do love him and I love him even more now.
Maybe you should stop making yourself so available for him, don't question him anymore. Go out enjoy yourself with friends and go to counseling. Go about your business and act as if he isn't there. If he still loves you deep inside his heart he will come looking for you, if he doesn't then there is nothing more that you can do but let him go.
Hope this helps.
I just wanted to send out my condolences. The best thing for both of you is for him to move out and you all have a trial separation. I know that is not what you want. I know you would work hard to make your marriage work. But the harsh reality is, it takes two people to work on a marriage and he has already said he does not want to.
With a trial separation, the best case scenario is he will miss you and/or figure out what his own internal struggles are and he will then be willing to try and work things out with you.
The worst case scenario is he will realize a divorce is exactly what he wants. But, really...if that turns out to be the inevitability, why drag things out? The longer you are in "limbo", the more torturous it will be for you.
I'm so sorry you are going through this. And I agree with the other PPs to make sure your finances are in order and you have some reserves. Don't be so broken-hearted and distracted that he is able to run up the credit cards and clean out the bank accounts. Not saying he is the kind of person to do that, but you never know.
Well, turns out he indeed has fallen out of love with me and decided to tell me about 2 weeks ago that he just doesn't have any feelings for me. He has said that he is unhappy with our marriage, claims to have no complaints about me as a person or wife, but does find every thing I do to be annoying - because he has let this feeling fester instead of him for a while now and I'm sure is harboring some resentment - which is will not confess to me. He's an awful communicator, by the way.
This is bad news.
You might as well file for divorce because when you hear a sob story like this, the guy's got a lady waiting in the wints for him.
And everything you do is annoying?
That will include his receiving divorce papers.:) Pity for him.
Protect your assets and make sure he cannot access them -- be safe rather than sorry. Get your financial ducks in a row and when you do, file.
Get tested, also. It's a sure fire bet this affair he's had has been going on for awhile. Sorry for your troubles.
Let him stick this, too:
Hi everyone, thanks again for your advice and help so far. Things have not gotten better, at all. Still no answers from him, he just keeps reminding me that he just doesn't feel like he loves me, doesn't want to spend any time with me, doesn't even want to look at me, and yesterday told me ideally we would be living separately. He says that he doesn't like being married, he feels stuck, and would never want to get married again. I asked him if maybe he is just having delayed "cold feet" after the fact that we're married, and he said it's a possibility, he still has no complaints about me, just knows that he's not happy and wants to be alone. Also still swears there is no other woman.
And when a guy tells you that, know the score of the ballgame.
Counseling won't help. He will not go, most lilkely -- he has made up his mind that he wants out. And if he wants out why should he get counseling with you?
Don't be insulted one second longer. Do what's right for yourself.
Why do you suppose you and he got married when you did? Did you do it because "it's what comes next" and everyone expected it?
It could very well be this relationship has run its course for him and in which case, he should legally opt out of this marriage. Why is he bothering to play mind games with you?