I'm so pleased to announce that my husband and I have found a home! :-bd
It is a cute little townhouse that is the perfect size for my husband and I. 1423 square feet is more than enough for 2 adults and 1 cat.
We have 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. The neighbourhood is an upscale community and we will live on the outskirts of a small city.
The small city we are moving to as a country feel to it; there are many farms nearby and the city is built on a bay.
We will also live near ski resorts.
After living in an apartment building very close to a highway, it will be a welcome change to be in a much quieter area.
I anticipate missing the city and being among all of my friends. However, I have already made some new friends in the city I am moving to.
My husband and I plan on enjoying winter sports, farmer's markets and horseback riding.
We take possession on September 30th. My husband will be handling the moving arrangements since I did the lion's share of research for the home.
My husband and I deserve this. When we married almost 5 years ago, we didn't have a pot to piss in. We lived in a tiny 1 bedroom with barely any furniture.
I am so happy that we got through our tough times together and now we can enjoy more financial security. Another piece of great news is that my husband traded in our car for a 2015 model of the same vehicle. Our car payments will be smaller. We'll also save gas money because my husband will be less than 30 minutes away from work. Our insurance will be cheaper as well.
No more elevators, fire alarms going off at random hours, loud construction or highway noise for us. What a lovely 5th wedding anniversary we will have!
Re: We Found A House!
Awesome! I'm so excited for you! I've been following along on your posts about your move to a smaller city and what you were looking for in a house. I'm glad to hear you all found something that sounds perfect. Good luck with the closing and moving.
Post some pics when you get settled in!
All the best!