Not being PC isn't a license to be crude, mean, or vulgar, which he is...not being PC is basically the refusal to use language that aligns oneself with the commonly accepted worldview line of thought in the culture. See, other GOP candidates are not politically correct, a la, Dr. Carson, but they aren't vulgar or mean and then claim to be not PC. Trump thinks not being PC is a license to not have a filter on one's mouth. He has an unbridled tongue.
Trump just got himself disinvited from a GOP event due to his comments about the GOP Debate moderator, Megyn Kelly and her response to him at the Debate. He said, "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes," Trump told CNN. "Blood coming out of her wherever." He blamed Kelly not liking his women debate comments on her period AKA hormones.
It was this comment that got him axed from the upcoming GOP event at which he was supposed to be a key note speaker.
I don't think that Trump understands what not being PC means.
Re: Trump Doesn't Understand What Not Being PC Means....
Wanted to build high rises and coops in a working class town; you bet that was going to be for the very well off -- yeah, and block the view of the city to those who lived in North Arlington and Lyndhurst.
He jetted when he found out he'd have to remediate the landfill that was going to hold this great big empire of gold. Shows you how much honor he has behind his name.
Megyn Kelly had it coming. She and Hannity both are the worst things on FOX News. And I watch Fox News. They both talk right over anyone they are interviewing and harp on things from their perspectives just as bad as anyone over at MSNBC.
Donald doesn't bother me at all, but I can see where folks might be a bit put off by him.
I agree with you. He doesn't take BS and he isn't the normal politician. People are sick of politicians.
Though, I hope people recognize that basing a voting decision, based on emotional hypersensitivity to abhorring the status quo isn't the best way to pick a candidate.
People were amped up over Obama too. Basing any serious decision (I see my one vote as very important and dear, therefore serious) on emotional response to how one feels about someone or something isn't generally a good idea. These decision ought to be made by the head - not the heart.