I just read this story this morning. So apparently CNN is not allowing Carly in the next GOP debate despite the fact that she is solidly in the top 10 GOP candidates along with Trump, Carson, Bush, etc..
I'm not supporting Carly, but this makes me mad. Supposedly CNN is using polling data from earlier in the summer!!! What the heck!??? That's not even relevant data anymore!
This is an example of prime overreach of media into the world of politics. If Carly cannot get screen time, or any candidate for that matter, how can they even stand a chance? It's not right or fair. Media is playing with politics.
I wish the other candidates would stand with her and align themselves in unison against this media giant and demand fair treatment of all the candidates. All candidates refuse to participate until CNN does what's right and fair based on current numbers.
Re: Carly Not in CNN Debate!!!!
That is pretty eye rolling. Not to mention a bit stupid on the part of CNN. People want to hear from the 10 candidates who are currently the most popular. Not who was the most popular a couple months ago and BEFORE the Fox debates.
And Carly is a perfect reason why they should be using more current polling. She is the one candidate for whom the Fox debates were pretty instrumental. Her performance in them is what has catapulted her into the top 10.
I just sent this to the campaigns of the candidates:
Dear GOP Candidate:
If you do not stand with Carly Fiorina in allowing her into this next GOP debate then you pander to the media's control and overreach into American politics.
Do not let this election be determined by the media giants. You repeatedly take stands against media and speak out against their twisting of conservative words and ideologies. You rally against political correctness.
Here is an opportunity to walk the talk and put a freight train behind your rhetoric.
Demand that all candidates in the top of the polls since the August debate in Cleveland, Ohio be given the opportunity to take the stage in September!
If not, refuse to participate.
You want a UNITED states? Then first unite as leaders in a common goal to unseat the tyranny of media manipulation, bought candidates, and liberal politics.
One of you is the next GOP candidate, but you ALL wear the yoke of leadership.
Part of leadership is uniting despite your differences and disputes toward a common goal. Right now, We The People want a battle cry and a take-back of the American political system from manipulation and mismanagement.
I do not support Carly, but I do support a FAIR nomination/election process. Remember, any of you could be in Ms. Fiorina's position and unfairly denied a right to appear to have your voice heard.
Good article on her being left out. Apparently, CNN is including polling figures from the past two months to determine candidates for the September debate. It accounts for her current numbers, but her early numbers from the summer are included too, when she was low are hurting her. Anyway, it's suspect that the data from OLD polls is being used. There should be a fresh slate of polling numbers used since the August debate to determine the GOP peeps who get to appear in September. It's like, what's the point of polling at all if not to help determine who gets to take the stage? So dumb.
I wonder what the precedent on this sort of things is. Do the media outlets always use old data to determine appearance in debates?