I'm honestly concerned about the future of the party. I think the RNC has their head up their asses and can't figure out how to get a clear message out. I don't think they've had a clear message for a long time.
I firmly believe that the Republican Party needs to come into the 21st century a bit more. We're going to get the snot kicked out of us if we hold on to the social messages of the past and espouse them so vocally. I also find that most independents and Dems can't see past the social issues to hear the economic messages that they could probably agree with.
The religious right statistically doesn't vote enough to even matter, so I don't know why Republican politicians are always pandering to them. Believe what you want to believe, but keep your mouth shut so a foot can't land in it.
I also think that the true conservative message of limited government needs to not just apply to economic freedoms, but to social freedoms as well. Why should the government be involved in marriage? Doesn't that go against the idea of limited government? Roe vs. Wade was DECADES ago. It's not going to change and continuing to make it a center piece of a campaign only deals right into the "war on women" hand that the Dems created and further serves to alienate independents. Maybe talk about amending abortion laws, but reversing Roe vs. Wade? Really? That argument is a waste of time.
Stop making social issues part of the campaign, Republicans. Get with the program. The message needs to be about protecting all types of freedoms, not just a handful of freedoms. We can't continue to pick and choose which freedoms are relevant if we as a party are going to stay relevant.
We also need to spell out economic principles in a logical, clear way. The average person has no idea how money and business actually work, so the Republicans need to get back to basics and describe basic supply and demand rules before discussing how the government should or shouldn't be involved in the workings of the economy.
A young, female, Jewish (heritage), Atheist-believing, "new" Republican
Anyone else feel like the Republican party needs an update?
Re: Future of the Republican Party
I personally am non-partisan, though I do tend to lean to the left. But @BluebirdMB, you have really hit the nail on the head with the problems the Republican party is facing.
I'm hardly a political analyst, but I can't help but shake my head at some of the campaign strategies that have been chosen. Some of the GOP candidates are so far to the right that they are alienating the majority of the country. And, while that could help them garner the religious right vote in the primaries...for the main election, they don't need to pander to the religious right...they will already have those votes against a Dem candidate.
And yes, it is just ludicrous to waste time and money banging on the "repeal Roe v. Wade" and "ban same sex marriage" drums...because SCOTUS has already decided on these issues. I'm not saying they have to pretend to agree or anything...but GEEZ! Please focus instead on issues/topics that actually fall under the Executive Branch, ie things you can actually improve on if becoming President. Tell me about your plans for job growth and building a stronger economy. Tell me about your plans to ensure quality, affordable healthcare is available to everyone and that a quality education is available for elem./HS children.
And I guess that brings me to my main point of why I find campaigning so awful and depressing. Most politicians, on both sides, take the "easy and ugly" tactic of spending SO much time just smearing the other party/person...rather than focusing on what their own solutions are. Because...you know...putting an actionable plan in place to improve complicated issues like the economy and immigration takes actual thought and intelligence. And it's just disgusting to see neverending commercials that make them look like nothing better than a 5-year-old throwing a tantrum and calling people names. I'm not slamming the GOP on that, both parties do it.