Hey There,
It's kind of awkward but also sometimes therapeutic to reach out to strangers. So, here it goes. I would like to apologize in advance for the lengthy message that follows.
husband and I tied the knot in April. We have not been married very
long and we did not date very long before getting engaged (6 months) we
were married 3 months later. He is a military man and I am currently in
school and working full time. He loves me and he wanted to take care of
me (via military benefits) and ease some of my financial burdens. Things
were great, we had had many discussion regarding marriage and what it
meant to us. We truly seemed to be on the same page when it came to a
lot of things. I am a communicator and it has always been important to
me to gauge my partners level of communication. I was impressed. We were
able to communicate and things seemed to be going well.
When it
came time to plan the wedding there was a lot of tension. I should
probably mention that he and I had a long distance relationship from the
beginning and we still do. However, when it came time to plan the
wedding tension began to build. We both had opinions about a lot of
thing, which is not a bad thing at all but I started to notice that my
opinions became me "always getting my way" which was confusing to me
because I was totally up to discuss what ever situation came up and
figure it out or come to a happy medium or compromise in some way. He
would say that he wanted to avoid drama. His way of doing that was
avoiding a compromise and a possible difference in opinion. At one point
we argued so much that he began to question if we had rushed into
things and while I was thinking the same thing I couldn't help but think
about the people who were now involved (we had a small wedding, so
luckily not too many people were involved).
Fast forward to
April, we got married and it was a lovely ceremony. I should also
mention that our sex life was pretty meek even before we got married.
Our situation is a little unconventional in the sense that I am the
sexual one and my husband in the one who isn't. I have had a few
conversations with him about my concerns, my feelings, and his feelings
as well. Anyway, we get married and on our wedding night I had to
convince my husband to have sex with me and sadly it wasn't very
successful. We attempted but...we were not successful. I try to be understanding and loving but it makes me feel terrible. I have spent many nights crying after failed attempts. Enough about that (for now).
After we were married we waited 2 months to go on our honeymoon. It was there in sunny Florida that I realized the person I really married. He was easily getting frustrated with me about some of the littlest things. He would never talk to me about how he felt, I NEVER knew when he was getting frustrated until he would EXPLODE on me and all of a sudden I would find out all these things that I've done that got on his nerves. One night in particular I saw an anger in him that was scary, not because I was afraid that he would hurt me physically but he definitely hurt me emotionally! He became completely unreasonable, he was saying rude and hurtful things, he even said that we should and WILL get a DIVORCE!! I had to be the calm one and tell him that I think we should try counseling before divorcing and he pretty much told me no! He had me cancel the rest of our honeymoon and was horrible the rest of the night. I kind of lost it and was extremely sad the next day. I cried all day long and he felt so bad that he suggested we finish our honeymoon and that he would work on his anger. He kept saying that he doesn't know why he gets so angry. The rest of our honeymoon was like a roller coaster. We would argue about the stupidest things and he was constantly blaming me for ruining his day.
A little bit about me, I am a strong woman who has always been self sufficient, and very strong willed. I have an opinion and I'm not afraid to share it. I am however, able to be cognizant of others opinions and the fact that they matter too; being aware doesn't make me any less willing to speak my mind. I think it is important to know where a person is coming from and that it is also important to talk about feelings. This seems to work against me in this relationship. I can totally go with the flow but that doesn't mean that I won't ask a question or put my two sense in at times. To give an example of one thing he got frustrated about we were going to the movies and he went to park. I saw a parking space available a little closer to the theater and said "hey, there is a space up there". I later found out that he got irritated at me for that. I don't think that it was that situation alone that got him so frustrated but I don't know where things go wrong! He doesn't like to talk about anything that is less than happy, puppies, kittens, and lollipops!
In my opinion (see, there I go with the opinions), Life and marriage are about love, compromise, understanding, and some times situations where you won't always get along! The moment we have a disagreement and I mean the slightest of disagreements he always goes to a very negative place; he says he doesn't understand why I'm so combative (really, combative????, I'm pretty sure that asking if we could go to a 7:30pm movie instead of a 4:00pm movie so that I can finish my laundry is NOT combative).
The fact that he gets so upset about such little things makes me worry about when we have to make big life decisions! I also worry about our ability to have children due to the issues we have in the bedroom.
It makes me feel terrible to say it but I think that I've already started to check out because I am already so exhausted from trying to hard and I don't feel like I see ANY improvement. It's a 1 step forward 10 steps back situation and I feel like I am losing myself! I am a young woman in the prime of my life and I shouldn't feel guilty for having sexual desires and opinions!!
I'm concerned for my future...any advice (if you've been patient enough to make it this far, in this book I have written)
Re: Newly Married, Sad, and Lost
This. All of this. Especially the bolded.
- Marriage is not supposed to be "hard work." Work? Yes. You have to talk about uncomfortable things, and you have to learn to disagree. But hard work? Not if you're with the right person.
The other PPs have given you awesome advice. It sounds like the two of you really didn't know each other very well when you got married. For example, you hadn't dated long and even that dating was long distance.
I also find it very striking that, after the big blow out on the honeymoon, your H admitted he had an anger problem. Yet, even recognizing that, he still didn't do much to control it for the rest of the honeymoon....which I'm assuming was only for a few more days. He couldn't control his combative and nitpicking nature for even that long!
As tough as it is to swallow, you all made a mistake in getting married and should get it annulled. I think you know that in your heart. You've now seen who your H truly is. Don't spend the next 5-10 years sad and walking on eggshells. That is crazy-making and ego-destroying.
If you aren't yet ready to take that step, at least see a counselor. Preferably together, but go by yourself if he won't.
Hey contributors!
I really appreciate the advice and input everyone had given and BlueBirdMD your explanation of your experiences with your husband. It really touched me that you thought about my situation enough that you came back again to write some more. I really appreciate that support, and everyone's support. Thank you for taking the time to respond.
I have definitely been thinking about and talking about what it is that led me to make the decision to marry this man. Surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly) I was in an even worse relationship before my H and while he and I have only a few issues they are HUGE ones, but before these issues really came to light he was such a stark contrast of what I found myself dealing with previously that I was blinded by the good and even great things about him.
It makes me so sad and angry that I have gotten myself in this situation. I definitely feel in my heart that this is not what I want for the REST OF MY LIFE! A few counseling sessions cannot change a person, when the issues come from so deep within. I want a love that is strong and that can withstand disagreement and withstand the difficult situations that life can and WILL bring our way. I definitely do not have confidence that we can handle these situations together.
We are currently in counseling and had our second session this evening. He seems to want to try and work on things but I think I may be past that point. GilliC, I have to admit that part of me feels like I am failing if I get a divorce, which I think is part of what holds me back. I just don't want to hurt anyone and so often I put myself on the back burner so as not to hurt others. It makes me feel so selfish!
I definitely feel it in my heart that this isn't right and I'm just lost on how to handle things at this point. I do love him and I definitely care about him but this is just not how I imagined my life after "I do".
Any court will validate an immediate annulment based on that.
He is sexually maladjusted. He may be asexual, nonsexual or gay or wow, who knows what his problem is?
He is not marriage material.
To an attorney immediately; do not stay with him one moment longer. IF he is deployed or he's overseas, all the better for you. Pack your things and go and immediately get to an attorney.
This is bad news all around. Wishing you luck.,
And a therapist for you: you need to get this mess out of your system and also find out why you moved so quickly with this piece of garbage. FInd out why you did before you repeat the pattern with another shithead. GL.
Date only guys who you know "up close and personally" and a guy you see on a more or less daily basis.
There is too much at risk here -- how do you know what somebody is really like if it is a long distance relationship? How do you know how he handles the most minor things on a day to day basis?
I have said it before and I will say it again: he is gay or has a problem with sexuality.
This is NOT for you. You are incompatible in every area and most particularly sexually.
Get rid of him today. No more counselling.